2006-04-04 23:05:45爸爸﹐聰仔

lack of sleep

I can’t fall asleep tonight. When I close my eyes, images just keep popping up, when I wake up I m sweating like a pig, heart pounding so fast, feeling so scared. I dreamed of a frn’s marriage, I should feel happy for them, and wish them, however in the dream I was drinking and crying for no reason. And I couldn’t distingish if the tears are happy tears or sad tears. Anyway, after I woke up, I could’t get back to sleep, so I watched an chinese espoide "天幕下的戀人" and learnt that triangle love will end up with one, but is that the one that you really loved? Right now, I think my frn is having a similiar problem, his gf might sensed that he got another girl. But which will he pick lei?

天下 並非只是有這朵花
不用 為故事下文牽掛
要是 彼此都有些 既定路程
學會灑脫 好嗎

流水很清楚 惜花這個責任
水點 蒸發變做白雲
花瓣 飄落下游生根
命但是經歷過 最溫柔共震
運敲定了 要這麼發生
但是經歷過 最溫柔共震