2012-05-04 10:59:54多肉綠生活聯萌


梅雨 是很多人擔心植物生長的時節

有時下的剛好 春天之後的甦醒 開根

太猛烈 則有相當程度的損失,冬型與夏型的交替正在發生~

也就是說 可以看到仙人掌開花季和冬型多肉最後一波生長期

這雨~ 我還是讓它下吧!雖然昨晚驚醒於雨勢之澎湃,擔心著~

今晨雨後 陽光乍現,她們仍有美好姿態 不禁讚嘆其生命力之強悍

How are you today?


There is a garden in my heart. Taking good care of it is my pleasure and fun. Sometimes storms come with a shock and I can't help to holding my breath to see it going by~ I know there must be some damage, but I wish, after this heavy rain and wind, stronger ones survive and grow better  than the baby time~