2007-07-27 03:58:03拙匠

Lots of love

4 days after we bid farewell
I arrive at this beautiful beach...

Soft summer wind strokes through the palm trees behind me
Far beyond, the water opens to the southern sea

On my right, the sun is setting with the tropical grandiosity
On my left, fair moon whispers a soothing tranquility
In the center of the clear vast sky, some thick cloud gathers
First comes the lightening, then the thunders
These incongruous elements form a surrealistic harmony
However, the peculiar phenomenon makes no effect in me

The water gazes like your eyes with its blue and green
The sand, your hair, reflecting a golden sheen
Gentle waves caress my legs as though your fingers
These are the only sensations that care to linger

What is this emotion that, despite the constraints from reality,
Refuses to succumb to the guidance of rationality?

In a vain attempt, I toss the question to the sky above
For lack of a better word, perhaps I shall just call it love...

(圖片:墾丁小灣夕照 2006/11)


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