2010-02-28 23:58:36peace & love

The Reader

The Reader 1.jpg

(那如果要寫艋舺,就要用羅馬拼音囉^__^b) 不過,也可能我是聽覺和感覺得動物。 其實這部片我前前後後看了好幾次。為了激情的鏡頭?ㄟ 不是 因為這部片第一次我看的時候,淚水就像山洪暴發(狂哭)!第二次第三次….到最近一次卻是有一種很複雜的感覺!推薦大家把這部片珍藏唷!Kate Winslet的演技真的出神入化,當然少年時期男主角(David Kross)的演技讓我驚艷。他把內心的矛盾和巨大的衝擊揣摩的很棒。


The Reader 2.jpg


“Now you must go back to your friends!” This is the last words before Hanna left Michael. Michael met Hanna in his fifteen’s summer. Hanna worked as a ticket inspector. They met in a pouring rain because Michael was terribly ill; therefore, Hanna brought him home.  Since then, Michael has never opened to any other until the death of Hanna - “THE READER”.


In fact, I was deeply attracted by this story while I saw this movie trail in the subway station. I saw this film for several times and always new things and messages were sent from this little story.


It’s really hard to judge the relation between Hanna and Michael in a normal standard. When Michael went back for thanking Hanna’s help, she knew she was special for Michael immediately. Even though they had had only one summer, for both of them it is eternal. How can you know this person will be with you for whole life when you only knew him or her for less than three months?


You just know. He or she will become jealous when you get along with others. He or she will be outrageous when your words feel like blade killing him or her. They started building deeper, stronger relation until Michael read for Hanna. As Michael said “I am not frightened. The more I suffer, the more I love. Danger will increase my love. Only one thing can make you complete and that’s love!” Some day Michael had become incomplete when Hanna left without saying anything!  It’s more like you had been one part of the other while one part of you was taken away, then your soul was split and torn. You knew you will be healed one day but not back to the same one any more.


At the end of the story is a catastrophe. Michael was intended to help Hanna when she came from the jail but she rejected, not by phone but her death. She is never a woman who apologized even she is wrong. Michael was helplessly loved her, the nature of her “unreconciliation and fearlessness.” Therefore, this suicide also made Michael as a killer who murdered his only beloved woman by his coldness and moral value. He murdered his most beloved one by his own hands. Not only this, because of Michael’s readings made Hanna addicted to it. When she was the guards of concentration camp, she requested those prisoners read for her. This made Michael more sick about Hanna. How can he turn their sweet memories into black and cursed one and the worst part is to add his own sense of guilty? However, on the other side, how can a young, unsophisticated boy convince himself this is not his fault? How can even a mature, rational man persuade himself that he had fallen in love with a bloody killer? No one. Their relationship was destined at the first second. Like Odyssey, like a flame! Of course, the only thing Michael can do is to hide himself and to conceal himself in his own world. At the same time, he also has to pretend himself and live as an ordinary people.


Now, the death of Hanna seemed to set Michael free and finally he can take off his camouflage.


This love burned two! There are lots of things making this relation unbearable. If one day you fall in love with the one that is forbidden, will you be brave or prepare to be grieved?     
akilo 2010-03-26 23:50:37
