2006-07-04 22:53:01我是廚房

Hiking @ Lamma

We had great weather on Sunday which was really out of my expectation. That morning was still raining heavily and I was worried that our event would be cancelled. Yet, we got an incredibly shiny afternoon where shouldn’t be a good time for hiking.
It was my first time to Lamma Island which is just a half an hour ferry trip to Central. It’s a nice place and is not so ”tourist” as Cheung Chau. We first planned to take photos with cats. However we haven’t met many cats all the way from one ferry pier to another, which is talking about at least an hour journey. We finally spent almost three hours to complete our mission. It was really too hot and tough, but was a lot of fun!!
I felt so relaxed on that day and did enjoy the time very much!
The Lamma trip did also remind me of the toughest 4 hour bike trip I made in Germany. I drove with my ”kaputt” bike from Bonn to Cologne, which takes half an hour to go by train! Those were the days......