2004-01-16 10:08:48尚未設定


2004.1.15 Thursday
Week 1 of Winter 2004 Quarter
Just finished my 3rd prerequisite Quiz this week!!

I was just passing by the ring road in our school. A man is asking people to fill out some Citi bank credit card forms to get a free T-shirt. Three HOT chics were standing there and talking with him. They are like students.

I don't have social security number but want to give it a try to see if I can apply for a credit card here. One of my friends told me he really got one. So I filled out the forms and got a free T-shirt. (who knows why they always made the T-shirts so big that it can only be my PJ?)

"Are you going school here?" asked one of the girls.
"Nope! I think school's dumb" said that guy.
"It's an insult" (since we are all students here and you want to do business with us, you shouldn't said that)

As I was filling out the forms, only one HOT chic stayed and kept talking with the guy. Well, it's a nice good looking guy and it's really a HOT girl. I can't believe that ElimiDATE was showing ALIVE just in front of me!!

"I don't want a free T-shirt" said that girl.
"How about a steak dinner?" prompted the guy.
"Okay" reply the girl.

At this moment, I was wondering is that always so easy to ask a girl out here?? Yahoo!

"My name is Ted"
"Do you get a piece of paper?" They exchanged telephone number.
"When will you be free?" The guy is really good at asking girl out!!

That's it. They just set a date with totally stranger you met on the road.

That guy has a smooth and oily tongue. No wonder he is doing this job.

Hummm.....I kept imaging the same scene showing on TV! What would happen tonight!?

For those who doesn't know what elimiDATE is, please check this website.
It's a Reality Television show running in KCAL 9 in Los Angeles.
It's under the category in yahoo: Directory > Entertainment > Television Shows > Reality Television > Dating and Relationships > elimiDATE