2019-05-04 08:46:38hvdnpptfpzjf

【限量優惠商品】CYBEX 嬰兒提籃 Aton M 送禮酒推薦熱賣商品英文


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Cybex Infant Car Seat Aton M 設計式樣: Red Rebel - red · 2018

The Cybex Infant Car Seat Aton M from the M-Line modular system has been designed to grow with your baby. It keeps your new-born safe and accommodates them in a rear facing position while driving.

Group/ Weight category:

  • Group 0 +/ for babies weighing up to 13 kg

  • CP值爆表

  • Suitable from birth to approx. 18 months

送禮酒推薦熱賣商品英文According to the norm:

  • ECE R44/04

For optimum combination of safety and comfort, use the Cybex Infant Car Seat Aton M with the Isofix-Base M (additionally available). The One-Click-Installation allows the lightweight infant car seat to be fitted easier onto the base - no fastening needed. In case you wish to attach the infant car seat without the base, you can do so via the car's own 3-point harness.

The Cybex Infant Car Seat Aton M is suitable for children from birth to approx. 13 kg. The removable insert guarantees the ideal lying position for new-borns. In case of a side impact collision, the innovative side-impact protectors mitigate the intensity of the crash in an early stage. Your baby's sensitive head is directed into a safe position while the energy absorbing shell covers them safely.

An 11-fold height-adjustable head rest guarantees long-time use. When adjusting the head rest, the belt length and the recline angle adapt accordingly, this way older babies are provided with more space and comfort. The extra wide y-belts including soft belt pads and buckle pads prevent your little one from dropping out.

Using an adapter, you can transform the Aton M to a practical travel system. In terms of shape, material and colour it matches perfectly with the Cybex Buggies and strollers. Even a combination with gb and various strollers of other manufacturers is possible as well.

The extra-large convertible canopy with UV protection 50+ shields your child from direct sunlight and draught. When not in use, you can store it elegantly behind a matching visor.

Product details:

  • Suitable from birth up to 18 months

  • Infant Car Seat made of M-Line modular system

  • Innovative side-impact protectors

  • Removable insert for an ideal recline angle

  • 11-fold height-adjustable head rest

  • 生日禮物介紹>限時商品人氣商品
  • Integrated extra-large convertible canopy

  • Integrated seat belt positioner that grows with your child for added protection

  • Energy absorbing shell

  • Measures: 66 x 44 x 39 - 57 cm

  • Weight: 4,2 kg




CYBEX 嬰兒提籃 Aton M





南投推消防猛男美女月曆 翻到9月...驚見「阿北」亂入


民進黨新北市長參選人蘇貞昌與國民黨參選人侯友宜,針對能源議題連日隔空開砲。蘇貞昌今( 6 )日再批評新北市政府爭功諉過「凡是我做的就變成他的,凡是要嫁禍在我身上的,包括深澳電廠是環保署依據法令進行的程序,就弄到我身上」。新北市府發言人張其強則回嗆,「海水退了,才知道誰沒穿褲子」。

蘇貞昌日前指出,深澳電廠是朱立倫當行政院副院長時裁示核准通過的,遭新北市政府強力回擊,並出示環保署公文,強調深澳電廠更新擴建計畫是在 2006 年 6 月 30 日通過環評,當時的行政院長正是蘇貞昌老縣長,質疑蘇怎麼會全都忘記?


新北市府發言人張其強則表示,深澳電廠更新擴建計畫白紙黑字寫得很清楚,民國 95 年 6 月通過環評, 7 月由環保署正式公告,當時的行政院長就是蘇貞昌,這是事實,不是弄不弄,是老縣長先毫無根據的指責,市府才依事實説明,這不是老縣長所謂的口水,是海水「海水退了,才知道誰沒穿褲子」。



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