我於一切有情眾,By thinking of all sentient beings
視之尤勝如意寶,as even better than the wish-granting gem
願成滿彼究竟利,for accomplishing the highest aim
恆常心懷珍愛情。 may I always consider them precious.
隨處與誰為伴時,Wherever I go, with whomever I go
視己較諸眾人卑,may I see myself as less than all others, and
從心深處思利他,from the depth of my heart
恆常尊他為最上。 may I consider them supremely precious.
一舉一動觀自心,May I examine my mind in all actions
正當煩惱初萌生,and as soon as a negative state occurs,
危害自與他人時,since it endangers myself and others,
願疾呵斥令消除。 may I firmly face and avert it.
秉性邪惡眾有情,When I see beings of a negative disposition
恆為猛烈罪苦迫,or those oppressed by negativity or pain,
見時如遇大寶藏,may 1, as if finding a treasure,
願恆惜此難得寶。 consider them precious, for they are rarely met.
他人出於嫉妒心,Whenever others, due to their jealousy,
非理辱罵謗我等,revile and treat me in other unjust ways,
虧損失敗我取受,may I accept this defeat myself,
願將勝利奉獻他。 and offer the victory to others.
吾昔饒益助某人,When someone whom I have helped
且曾深心寄厚望,or in whom I have placed great hope
彼雖非理妄加害,harms me with great injustice,
願視彼為善知識。 may I see that one as a sacred friend.
無論直接與間接,In short, may I offer both directly and
願獻利樂於慈母,indirectly all joy and benefit to all beings,
如母有情諸苦患,my mothers, and may I myself secretly take
我願暗中自取受。 on all of their hurt and suffering.
願此一切我所行,May they not be defiled by the concepts
不為八法念垢染,of the eight mundane concerns,
以知諸法如幻智,and aware that all things are illusory,
無執離縛而解脫。 may they, ungrasping, be free from bondage