2001-07-24 21:30:11毛錐子


"I cannot conceive how anybody in his right mind should go to a psychoanalyst, but of course if one's mind is deranged one might try anything; afterall, quacks and cranks, shamans and holy men, kings and hypnotists have cured people --especially hysterical people. Our grandsons no doubt will regard today's psychoanalysts with the same amused contempt as we do astrology and phrenology. One of the greatest pieces of charlatanic, and satanic nonesense imposed on a gullible public is the Freudian interpretation of dreams. I take gleeful pleasure every morning in refuting the Viennese quack by recalling and explaining the details of my dreams without using one single reference to sexual symbols or mythical complexes. I urge my potential patients to do the same." (SO, p. 47)



"Let the credulous and the vulgar continue to believe that all mental woes can be cured by a daily application of old Greek myths to their private parts. I really do not care." (SO, p. 66)



【摘自《Strong Opinions》】

* 潘小松《固執己見》(吉林長春:時代文藝出版社,1998)譯本中將「shamans and holy men」譯為「猶太教堂的司務與聖人」。實則「shaman」應指通古斯族(Tungus)「薩滿教」(Shamanism)中的巫者(或泛指佛教「沙門」),與猶太教全無關係。而文中「holy men」的主要意義也當與上文對應﹐是指原始部落(譬如美洲印第安人)的巫者,而非廣義的「聖人」。又其譯文中最後一句「我鼓勵潛在的病人也這麼做」亦不無問題。「潛在的病人」泛指所有可能罹病的人,與此處「可能找我求治的人」(my potential patients)不同。VN 諷刺的對象,是那些妄圖在他書著中尋求「心解派」(錢鍾書對「psycho-analysis」的譯名)藥方,或對他文字作「心解派」詮釋的人。
Jamie 2008-01-06 10:27:25

近日拜读了您的译作《菲尔塔之春》,又参照了于晓丹的《菲亚尔塔的春天》,才发现您文笔的老道。我十分喜欢。你于此上提到的关于潘晓松的翻译谬误,我颇以为然。潘只是按照字面翻出了my potential patients的译文,但是并没有清楚意识到Nabokov的本意。如果可以的话,我想听听您关于对《lolita》大陆译本的一些意见。十分感谢!!