2004-01-15 07:46:36毛錐子

【雋語】 真摯平易.狼吞牛飲

"I automatically gave low marks when a student used the dreadful phrase 'sincere and simple' -- 'Flaubert writes with a style which is always simple and sincere' -- under the impression that this was the greatest compliment payable to prose or poetry. When I struck the phrase out, which I did with such rage in my pencil that it ripped the paper, the student complained that this was what teachers had always taught him: 'Art is simple, art is sincere.' Someday I must trace this vulgar absurdity to its source. A schoolmarm in Ohio? A progressive ass in New York? Because, of course, art at its greatest is fantastically deceitful and complex." (Strong Opinion, pp. 32-33)



"Literature, real literature, must not be gulped down like some potion which may be good for the heart or good for the brain -- the brain, that stomach of the soul. Literature must be taken and broken into bits, pulled apart, squashed -- then its lovely reek will be smelt in the hollow of the palm, it will be munched and rolled upon the tongue with relish; then, and only then, its rare flavor will be appreciated at its true worth and the broken and crushed bits will again come together in your mind and disclose the beauty of a unity to which you have contributed something of your own blood."
(Lectures on Russian Literature)



* 潘小松《固執己見》(吉林長春:時代文藝出版社,1998)譯本中作「當某個學生用冷冷的短句如 "忠誠樸實" —— "福樓拜總是用忠誠樸實的風格寫作" 時,我不自覺地會給他低分,因為我有印象,這是散文和詩歌領域最偉大的讚譽……」稍一扭擰,「忠誠樸實」的東西便又從 VN 眼中的糞土變成了普羅文學觀裡的黃金。