2009-03-28 00:55:45BM2MUU

Wonderful Tonight, Eric Clapton


群眾騷動還在游移,任由鍵盤與吉他的安撫和緩.只是潛行壓抑的情緒依舊難耐,尋找不見出口;等到熟悉的旋律揚起,心弦豁然一緊,又隨之放鬆.如同曖昧許久,渾沌不明的情愫終於得以確定.擊掌方歇,歡聲起落,蓄著長髮的 Eric Clapton 緩緩唱出歌詞,如同祭司頌禱,眾聲寂靜,就這麼進入一場勾魂攝魄,集體沉醉的儀式.



 It's late in the evening 
 She's wondering what clothes to wear 
 She puts on her make-up 
 And brushes her long blonde hair 
 And then she asks me, 
 "Do I look all right?" 
 And I say "Yes, you look wonderful tonight" 
 We go to a party 
 And everyone turns to see 
 This beautiful lady that's walking around with me 
 And then she asks me, 
 "Do you feel all right?" 
 And I say "Yes, I feel wonderful tonight" 
 I feel wonderful 
 Because I see the love light in your eyes 
 And the wonder of it all 
 Is that you just don't realize how much I love you 
 It's time to go home now 
 And I've got an aching head 
 So I give her the car keys 
 And she helps me to bed 
 And then I tell her as I turn out the light 
 I say, "My darling, you were wonderful tonight 
 Oh my darling, you were wonderful tonight" 


另一個版本, Mark Knopfler + Eric Clapton


Shelly 2009-03-28 13:01:04

It’s a lovely but sad song !

:) 2009-03-28 22:32:48