2007-05-11 11:55:29白皮 Honhow

Taipei City 台北市

台北市總面積 271.7997平方公里

人口數 2,619,920 (20093月資料)


Taipei City
        Taipei is the biggest and the most energetic city in Taiwan. Since the 1970s Taipei has changed drasticaly due to its fast economic growth, turnig itself into a modern international metropolis with skycrapers, modern housing developments and architecturally inspired shopping and cultural centers .Modern deparment stores and shopping malls with the latest fashions from London, New York and Tokyo have opened one another.
        Fine restaurants serving world cuisines and romantic cafes line the city streets. For vicitors who wish to experience the exquisites Chinese culture, the world-famous National Palace Museum and an abundance of temples are perfect places to vicit. Taipei is also a city thats never sleeps. After dark, night clubs. discotheques, and lounge bars are packed with the terendy people.
Taipei Guanghua Market is a mecca for reasonable-priced computer hardware,
software,digital cameras, and elecronic devices. Located in cramped covered market under a skyway, its a real Aladdins Cave of electonic tresures!









然而在台北觀光最適當的時間卻是假日,因為假日的台北少了擁擠,空氣多了一份清晰與寧靜,取而代之的是一群年輕男女,與外來遊客的駐足,關於外來遊客最切身的問題就是消費,而最容易更換外幣的地方卻是機場, 就是旅客剛剛下飛機的『蔣介石機場』,在台北如果需要更換外幣最好的匯率就是台灣銀行,其次就是你居住的飯店,這裡的匯率黑市很少,而且不更換美金,更不會和外人打交道。

Taipei 101
At 508 Meter’s Taipei 101 is the world’s tallest building. It’s also home to the world’s fastest elevators, whisking visitors to the 89th floor observation level in just 37 secconds. The building’s distinctive design draws on several auspicious motifs and feng shui principles. Between the 88th to 92nd floors is the world’s largest tuned mass damper, designed to reduce earthquake and wind sway. An upscale mall occupies the lower level of the tower, with restaurants, cafes, and an excellent bookstore. The building turns into a dazzle of color during an annual New Year’s Eve fireworks show, attracting thousands of spectators.


National Palace Museum
The palace Museum Boasts the world’s largest collection of Chinese art and artifacts, sone 655,000 pieces in all, from ceramics to curios from imperial colletions. The newly renovated museum building is a work of art in itself. Guided tours are provided in English and headsets can be rented for touring the museum at your own pace. Save time to stroll through the traditional Chinese garden in front of the museum.

Beitou Hot Springs
素有【溫泉鄉】之稱的北投,大約在1600年的時候,這裡是當地原住民平埔族的凱達格蘭族部落的居住地,因為當時所產生的地熱,煙霧迷漫,就像女巫作法的裊裊白煙,而原住民凱達格蘭族語【 Patauw 】 就是女巫之意,在多年的外來居民的語音變化之下,【 北投 】一詞,由此產生﹝請看舊地名參照﹞,北投溫泉開始了400多年來的興衰故事、歷史人物、民俗風情,都幾乎以北投溪為中心點在打轉,現在…更是中外遊客著名的溫泉勝地,在老一輩的日本遊客之中更是記憶中的舊地重遊。
日本統治時期,由於日本人的喜好與專業之下,充分的開發了第一個提供日本軍方休息的場所『陸軍療養所 』。
西元1896年,日本大阪商人[ 平田源吾 ], 在北投開設了第一家,也是全台灣的第一家溫泉旅館『天狗庵 』,由這裡開始帶動了往後的溫泉業者興起,根溫泉有關的主體,周邊業紛紛興起,以至於奠定了往後的基礎,1916年由於鐵路淡水支線的延伸到新北投站成立,更帶動了這一塊地區的蓬勃發展,50年代60年代的[ 那卡西 ]走唱更將這裡推向了繁華的高峰時期,也成為當時電影業者紛紛來此取景的主要場所,也帶動了國內外遊客的腳步。
經過了20年的沉寂,現在的台北市政府除了將捷運延伸到這裡,也讓周休2日的規劃加入了北投發展,周邊的發展,交通的便利,旅館業的重新整頓,注入了北投新的發展,時代的變遷,新的做法,不一樣的方式, 讓旅客有更新一層的認識。

A Fresh New Breeze in Historic Beitou
The history of Beitou dates back to the 1600s, when the Ketagalan(凱達格蘭族) aborigines settled here. The tribe called this area “patauw,” or “sorceress,” because the steaming springs at Diregu resembled the white curling smoke associated with witchcraft. It is from this Ketagalan(凱達格蘭族) word that the name “Beitou” derives. In addition to more than 400years of history, Beitou is a renowned hot spring destination, especially the New Beitou area near the Beitou River.
Birth of a Hot Spring Hot Spot
Beitou was developed as a sulfur mining and trading site as early as the Ming period, but it wasn’t until 1894 that the hot spring potential of the Beitou area was discovered by a German surnamed Quely.
The Japanese, a people famous for their love of hot springs, actively developed the hot springs in Beitou during their occupation of Taiwan.
Asanatorium(陸軍療養院) was built here as a place for the Japanese army to rest and relax. In 1896, Gengo Hirata, a merchant from Osaka, opened Taiwan’s first hot spring hotel-the “Tenguen(天狗庵).” Other hotels, bathhouses and restaurants soon sprouted up until there were over a 100 at the industry’s peak. In 1916, a branch line of the Danshui(淡水)-Taipei rail connected to New Beitou, further elevating the fortunes of this area.
The 1950s and 60s saw the nakashi(那卡西) music performances in Beitou.
The area was also featured in a number of Taiwanese films, adding to its popularity as a destination for local and international visitors. The good times lasted until 1979, when a new government policy pushed Beitou’s hot spring industry into a period of steady decline, forcing many of the businesses here to close.
Some 20 years later, the local community teamed up with the city government to revive Beitou’s fortunes. The redevelopment plan, including the creation of the Beitou Hot Spring Park, followed by the introduction of a two-day weekend in Taiwan and the opening of the New Beitou breanch of the MRT Danshui Line(大眾運輸捷運淡水線), marked the rebirth of the Beitou hot springs with a brand new look.

Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall
Bulitb in memory of R.O.C. founding father Dr. Sun Yat- sen, this memorial hall frequently hosts major art exhibitions and other cultural activities and other cutural activities. The hall is situated in a large park with a pond for a scenic in-city stroll.


        艋舺,原住民語「Moungar / Mankah / Bankah」,台北市發源地,其最古老市街在紗帽廚番社的故址大溪口,即今之貴陽街與環河南路口。清雍正初年(1723年),福建泉州三邑之晉江、南安、惠安人士渡海來此地搭建茅屋數棟,販賣蕃薯為生而漸成小村落,稱為蕃薯市,由於當時平埔族人係以獨木舟自淡水河上游載運農產品與漢人交易;平埔族人稱「獨木舟」為艋舺,此為艋舺地名之由來。











許多老一輩的遊客來到台灣大部分都指名要『華西街夜市 』,原因有第一…這裡是台灣最早的觀光夜市;第二…蛇街,沒錯就是蛇街,唯一在夜市大搖旗鼓現場宰殺蛇類的,不單是數量,而且總類也多;第三…鄰近龍山寺,就在捷運出口旁,緊鄰西門町;第四…萬華的傳統老市場就在附近,一些小型商圈也在附近;如:鳥街…和平西路三段,南寧路口到艋舺大道之間;西服街…和平西路三段,南寧路口到龍山寺捷運站之間;服裝批發街…西園路二段,和平西路口到艋舺大道之間;青藥草街…廣州街康定路口;五金雜貨街…環河南路,桂林路口到開封街口之間,以上這些都緊臨著華西街生存,最遠也不過300公尺的距離。
Huaxi street Night Market
Level 2 national historic spot and one of the three tourism sports in Taiwan most popular by foreign tourists. The Huaxi street Night Market is nearby, providing good and cheap commodities and many traditional foods attracting tourists to stay and try.
Huaxi Street is home to Taiwan best-known night market, attracting visitors from around the world with a delicious selection of Taiwanese fare. Just a short walk from Longshan Temple, the market is entered by elaborate archway illuminated with red temple lanterns, setting the tone for the unique experience waiting inside.
Market snack shops serve an amazing variety of fare, including snake and turtle dishes, fortifying foods for the winter chills, and folk herbal remedies. You can also pamper your soles at one of the several foot massage clinice here. There are also several old-time eateries around Huaxi Street, like Liang Xi Hao Squid Soup, Huaxi Street Boned Goose, and Tainan Tan-Tsu Mien, which have won over locals and visitors alike with their mouthwatering fare.
For a further taste of authentic Taiwanese snacks, make sure to head to the traditional market on nearby Sanshui Street. Qingcao Lane and “Fortune Tellers, Street” are other good bets for experiencing the old-time taste and culture of Taiwan at Huaxi Street.


Longshan Temple

Longshan Temple is an important landmark in Wanhua(萬華) District and one of a few grade two historic sites in Taipei. Contracted in 1740.it has a survived the centuries as one of the best examples of traditional temple art in Taiwan with an enduring appeal among the many faithful who worship here.

The main deities worshipped at Longshan Temple are the Bodhisattba Guanyin
the Gods “Mazu”(媽祖) and “Wenchang Dijun”(文昌帝君), The temple compound sprawls over an area of nearly 6,000 every square meters, and nearly every square inch of it is intricately adorned. Expertly rendered carving, eaves in pillars adorned with coiling dragons, and stunning portraits with auspicious motif all contribute to the temple’s unique beauty and confirm Longshan Temple’s importance in the history of traditional Taiwanese architecture.

As a spiritual center, Longshan Temple is also a good place to experience traditional faith in Taiwan; this is especially true during major religious festival, when thousands visit the temple and surrounding area.

說到了龍山寺,那就必須連三級古蹟青山宮,以及清水巖一同介紹才算完整,在裡面所供俸的是安靈尊王[ 張滾 ]。相傳這位張滾是三國時期東吳孫權的愛將,因為他的正直廉潔,智勇雙全,讓孫權信任,更讓百姓愛戴。
每年的農曆10月23日,青山王聖誕日,定期所舉辦的[ 艋舺大拜拜 ],更是外來遊客的驚喜,當地的民眾扮成青山王的兵將,四處遊街分送[ 光餅 ],民眾則是擺設香案,準備供品,獻給青山王,這一天與大稻埕[ 霞海城隍廟 ]、[ 保生大帝出巡 ],並稱為台北市的三大廟會,也是來到萬華地區的重要祭典。
Qingshan Temple
Home to One of Taipei’s Top Temple Fairs
Qingshan Temple is grade there historic site in Wanhua(萬華) District.
It is dedicated to Zhang Gun, the “Lord of Spiritual Peace”, who is widely respected for his honesty, bravery and wisdom.
The temple’s current design is the product of a renovation carried out in the Japanese occupation period. The stone carving and wood columns beams, windows and doors granite are expertly crafted in a Japanese style, adding to the temple’s historic value. A recent renovation has further amplified the palpable feeling of an earlier time that the temple imparts. The temple hosts a major birthday celebration for the resident god Qingshan Wang on the 23rd day of the tenth lunar month. On this day local resident dress up like celestial soldiers and generals and hand out “illumination cake” and incense and sacrificial offering are set out for the god, One of the top-three temple fairs in Taipei, this one event you wont want to miss.

萬華[ 艋舺 ]的另一個宗教信仰 – 清水巖祖師廟。是萬華地區的三級古蹟, 與艋舺龍山寺,大龍峒保安宮,在清朝時期並稱為台北的三大廟門。
早期的台北盆地是一個大田地,大部分是由安溪移民所開墾,清水祖師正是由安溪人搬遷而來的守護神,清水祖師廟裡面,所保存的嘉慶年間的物品,也成為信徒心中的寶物,由於清水祖師不喜好奢華,所以至今都一直保持原貌( 整修之前都要請示清水祖師, 都不同意整修 ),這裡的石雕、劃棟、以及磚刻,都是水準之上,可以說是當時時期的代表之作。

Qingshui Zushi Temple
Qingshui Zushi(清水祖師) temple is a grade three historic site situated on Kangding(康定) Road in Wanhua District, It is considered one of the top-three Qing-period temples in the Taipei along with Mengjia(艋舺=萬華舊地名)
Longshan Temple and dalongdong Baoan(大龍峒保安宮) Temple.
In former times many of the farms in the Taipei Basin were cultivated by immigrants from Anxi(安溪) County in the Chinese province of Fujian.
In the late eighteenth century they built Qingshui Zushi Temple to worship the namesake patron god of the homeland they had left. The temple has been faithfully preserved over the years.

Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
Erected in memory of the late R.O.C. president, this stately blue-roofed edifice is flanked in front by the eqaully impressive National Concert Hall and National Theater. The hourly honor guard display is a popular attraction here.
It poses a dramatic with contrast with the nearby National Theater and Concert Halls, which are built in bright red and gold in the traditoinal Chinese palace style. At the National Theater and Concert Halls, concert plays and dances are performed all year round.
蔣中正紀念堂,這裡留藏著近代的部分歷史,以及部份人的回憶, 然而蔣中正在當時中國所做的一切事情,以及他所對於後代的貢獻需要你自己來了解。

Martyrs’ Shrine
It’s an excellent example of classical Ming dynasty architecture, dedicated to the fallen heroes of China’s wars. There is an hourly changing of the guard ceremony, begins at 09am, to 17pm. at the entrance which many people find interesting. The 330,000 men who sacrificed their lives to the revolution before the establishment of the Repulic of China and who fell during the Sino-Japanese war and the Chines Civil war are worshipped here.
Grand Hotel
Once ranked among the world’s top-10 hotels, the Grand Hotel has welcomed countless heads of state and over VIPs into a world of classical elegance, its impressive Chinese palace-style design adding a dramatic note to Taipei’s cityscape from a hilltop perch in the Yuanshan area.
The Grand Hotel rises 14 floor to brilliant yellow roof supported on vermilion columns. Dragon motifs are used throughout the hotel, from the Golden Dragon Banquet Room to bronze golden dragons that were recovered from the ruins of a Shinto shrine originally occupying the hotel site during the Japanese period. Altogether, there are about 120,000 dragons depicted inside and out, earning the hotel the nickname of “Dragon’s Temple.” Stone lions and plum blossoms further add to the traditional Chinese ambiance of the hotel. There are two sets of stone lions standing guard at the main archway to the hotel, one of which is over a century old. The vaulted lobby plafond is designed in the shape of a plum flower with five golden dragons surrounding a dragon ball, signifying the idiom, “five fortunes come to one’s door.” The plafond design also includes 23 golden dragons and 16 phoenixes, indicating the saying, “prosperity brought by the dragon and phoenix.”The hotel roof is equally impressive with its flying eaves, animal carvings, prominent ridge crowns and intricate bracketing, adding further to the beauty of the hotel’s traditional Chinese style.

在台灣隨處可見到招牌寫著牛肉麵,通常可見到一碗從65元到130元不等,台灣人對於牛肉麵的喜愛程度不一,然而牛肉麵的由來卻是從國民黨軍隊敗退來到台灣開始,中國各地的老兵湧入台灣也把家鄉的小吃,家常菜,糕點,樣樣都帶來了台灣,然而為什麼唯獨牛肉麵獨特呢? 就只是一團麵加上幾塊牛肉而已,卻是考驗每一個廚師的功力最佳的表現,這些廚師們將一碗牛肉麵變化出,紅燒、清燉、藥燉、川味、等等。

Beff noodles
Where ever there are Chinese, there are beff noodles, which come in a variety of flavors depending on the region. Beef noodle varieties are plentiful and can be found everywhere on the island. Some of the more famous beef noodle venues include Taoyuan Street (A.K.A.”Beef Noodle Street”), Taipei, and the four Sister’s beef noodles in Chaozhou, Pingtung County (praised by even President Chen himself). This dish is served in all kinds of establishments, from the high-end to the low. Quality noodles are stewed for a long time to let the juices soak the beff chunks and noodles thoroughly.

松山饒河街夜市 Raohe St. Tourist Night Market
北、中、南 三地的夜市型態基本上是一樣,但是內容卻有大大的不同,各地的口味和小吃,不是三言兩語所能形容的,還真的非要妳親自走一遭才能知道,這裡的人潮為什麼那麼多,因為東西都是便宜又大碗,或許名子不好聽,或許你從沒聽過,更或許你已經嚮往已久,位置在松山火車站( 後站 )八德路旁,跟一些衣物類的商圈混搭在一起,當然!也包含了一些不錯的宵夜,交通的便利,使得這裡歷久不衰,這裡的營業時間大約從1830 ~ 0030。


如果你喜歡購物建議先去五分埔走走,來這裡逛逛倒是不錯,大約10分鐘的腳程,從饒河街穿過八德路,走虎林街(Huli S.t.),過了鐵路平交道,左轉50公尺,妳會見到松山火車站( 前站 ),這裡就是松隆路和松山路口,再走50公尺,右手邊有一個公園,躦入公園旁的巷子,這裡是年輕人的購物天堂,許多的便宜好料在這裡堆積著,這裡沒有高貴的店面,也沒有名牌服飾,更別說鑲金戴銀的,最有名的品牌 『魯賓驣 』,充滿了整個街道。




華西街夜市最著名的是蛇餐的饗宴, 雖然有許多人望之怯步, 但是絡繹不絕的遊客總是圍觀在兩旁,這裡有著許多小吃和飲料,但是都比不上老外專程來此一賭蛇酒的威名,新鮮的蛇肉、蛇酒、蛇羹,讓老外一直睜大眼睛,深怕沒看清楚!
這裡距離龍山寺非常的近, 怎麼走?

















然而不可否認的,玉石種類很多,同樣一小顆可能50元台幣, 甚至5000元的價差也說不一定,當然也有更好的,依照顏色、透光率、質地細綿、紋路、硬度,都可能變成搶手貨,在這裡你可以見到來自不同地區或是國家的玉石買賣,緬甸、中國大陸、紐西蘭、馬來西亞、美國、加拿大等等。






威爾剛 2020-01-07 12:13:00

