2007-04-23 22:24:08白皮 Honhow

Changhua County 彰化縣

在街道的另一邊就是著名的天后宮,名家的手法精雕細琢,虔誠的香客你來我往,供俸神明的香火繚繞不斷,而...妳! 來過了嗎?
http://www.lukang.gov.tw/title-3/index.html 連結鹿港鎮公所網站
















History of Lu-Kang Mazu Temple
      Lu-gang Tian-hou-gong Palace was set up in the initial stage of Qing (清朝Ching) Dynasty and last years of Ming (明朝)Dynasty (1590), the original position was in the north side of the present position, ancient name of the place is [Chuan-Zai-Tou] nearby (San-Tiao-Hang), it was offered sacrifices to the Gods or the spirits of Mazu, the Tian-Shang-Sheng-Mu Mei-Zhou Mazu, one of the patron saints of the people in Fujian in early years. When general Shi-Lang suppressed the chaos caused by war in Taiwan, his subordinate called Lan-Li requested Meizhou to bless and protect the army to win the civil war. In the 22nd year of Kan-gxi of Qing(清朝Ching) Dynasty(1683), Taiwan civil was suppressed. For appreciating the support of Mazu, Shi Lang’s nephew Shi Qi-Bing built the state of Mazu and the temple called [Mei-Zhou-Kai-Zu-Shi temple] in Lu-Kang for people praying.
      Ps: “Kan-Gxi” is King Name, in Qing(清朝Ching) Dynasty. 康熙皇帝.
      In the 48th year of Kan-Gxi (1709), when Shi-Bang had excavated the river (had another name called eight forts of river) completely, it attracted many people immigrating to Taiwan for hang-Hua plan developing, as a result, Lu-Kang became the strategic city for immigrating. The believe of Mazu became widely due to the more and more immigrants from Fujian, so the original temple was too narrow to people having the pray. In the 3rd year of Yong-Zheng (1725), Mr. Shi-Bang donated land for the temple building.
      For appreciating his land donation, people in Lu-Kang respected for the tablet with his name in the right room beside the temple.
      Ps: “Yong-Zheng” is King Name, in Qing(清朝Ching) Dynasty. 雍正皇帝.
During the period of Jia-Qing Emperor, the temple was known as “Xing-Mu-Gong”(新祖宮). After, the Emperor Qian-Long ordered his minister named Fu-Kang-An to build Mazu temple in Lu-Kang Hai-Gan at treasury in the 52nd year of Qian-Long (1787) for the nobles to offer sacrifices to Mazu.
      Ps: “Qian-Long” is King Name, in Qing(清朝Ching) Dynasty. 乾隆皇帝.
      Ps: “Jia-Qing” is King Name, in Qing(清朝Ching) Dynasty. 嘉慶皇帝.
      Ps: “Hai-Gan” 鹿港海墘區.
In order to distinguish two temples, the new palace is “Xing-Mu-Gong”, old is “Jiu-Zu-Gong”.
      The Qing Dynasty was paying much attention to the historical relics and activity of Mazu, so the nobles and gentries contributed money to build the temple many times during the Qing Dynasty period.
      Right now, there are many valuable cultures kept in the temple, such as Yong-Zheng Emperor [Shen Zhao Hai Biao](“神昭海表”匾額) horizontal inscribed board, Qian-long Emperor [You Ji Zhao Ling](“佑濟昭靈”匾額) horizontal inscribed board, Guang-Xu Emperor [Yu Tian Tong Gong]horizontal inscribed board, and many persons of horizontal inscribed board presented respectfully from nobles.
       Ps: “Guang-Xu” is King Name, in Qing(清朝Ching) Dynasty. 光緒皇帝.
      Year 1922, the temple management Mr. Shi Xing-Se led people to visit the original Mazu temple in Mei-Zhou, China. After he backed to Taiwan, the gentries suggested him to rebuild the temple for more beautiful temple and invited Mr. Gu Xian-Rong to be the premier of the rebuilding project.
      The rebuilding project was begun in 1927 and completed 1936.
      Celebrated the 1000th birthday of Mazu in 1959, the back hall rebuilding project was started, and completed in 1971. Later, the arch and in front of the temple and the pilgrim building were completed in 1973.
      On November 27 in 1985, the temple was listed the third ancient achievement of the country via the announcement of Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was not only to affirm the historical position but to value of Tianhougong Palace. In 1996, the [Mazu cultural center] was completed; the precious article and historical document shown in the hall were appreciated popularly by visitors. Later, the pilgrim building was completed; it has various functions of board and lodging, exhibition, meeting for people.


Banbian Well
      The door of residence at No. 12 Yaolin Street has a special inscription that tells us a lovely story that in the old days, the wealthy household was kind enough to share half of its well with poor plopped who did not have the money to have their own wells.
David Miller & Shintia Miller 的夫妻照, 地點位於彰化縣鹿港鎮摸乳巷.(樂在其中)

說到摸乳巷幾乎所有的台灣人都知道是怎麼一回事,但是對於國外的華僑以及外國人來說卻是驚恐萬分,因為...為什麼走這一條巷子還要被摸? 對於這個問題如果不把他說個明白倒是難以交代。
再清朝時期這裡是台灣第二大城市,對於寸土寸金的台灣來說,有房子最重要,至於防火巷的觀念是完全沒有的,至於街道巷弄都是別人的圍牆邊,屋簷下,以及門前空地的穿梭,在這裡小小的寬只有50公分的巷道穿梭,的確是一項困難,沒辦法肩並肩互相交會而過,那麼與女子交會而過就必須有一定的禮貌了,總不能面對著女人的胸部交錯過巷子,於是所有的男子都必須面對牆壁貼著,禮讓女士先行交會而過,所以在現代的觀念哲學下, 前人是很有禮貌風度的,值得讓我們後代學習尊敬。

但是在東方...這一道菜就是便宜又營養,40~50 NT$(1.5us$)。吃生蠔的好處和美妙在這裡我就不多說了,因為我知道各位一定相當清楚,但是在台灣...妳不知道這一道菜是每一個夜市,每一個小鎮都有的,隨手可得。
Oyster omelet
Oyster omelets here are made from fresh oysters, eggs and vegetables.
Give them a try!

http://www.lukang.org/ 玉珍齋官方網站

什麼,來到彰化和大甲沒吃過芋頭酥?拜託行行好!這一到小點心可是非常有名的口齒留香阿!如果在配上阿里山的高山茶,喔! 太美妙了,清爽,爽口!濃濃的芋頭香味,酥酥鬆垮的口感,入口即化!寫到這裡讓我又不禁口齒生津,不知何時還再嘗一口。
Changhua Taiwanese meatballs
      Among the so-called” Changhua three treasures”, the meatballs are perhaps
the most popular. Three critical attributes make an authentic Changhua
meatball: thin skin, rich stuffing, and a secret sauce, and only in Changhua
is the art of making this ”treasure” so precise.
