2017-11-27 18:41:47hlg1421k6s

瑪卡吃法 如何選擇保養品

Daily Wellness Company, 男士生育複合營養膠囊,60粒

  • The Most Trusted Brands
  • University Tested Over 15 Years
  • Optimizes Sperm Quality and Fertility Health
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Scientifically Validated
A premium formula of l-carnitine, ferulic acid, antioxidants, vitamin C and E, green tea and selenium, zinc and B vitamins essential for male fertility health.

鋅錠推薦Fertility Blend Men

A scientifically validated nutritional blend that enhances fertility health. L-Carnitine is an amino acid that has been shown to help produce healthy, active sperm. Ferulic acid, an antioxidant found in Dong quai, has been shown to help maintain good sperm quality. The antioxidants - vitamins C and E, green tea, and selenium, help support overall reproductive health. Zinc and B vitamins (B6, B12 and folate) are critical nutrients that help maintain proper hormone metabolism, sperm formation and motility.

The Daily Wellness Company is committed to supporting scientific research on finished formulas, not just individual ingredients. In a pilot study on Fertility Blend for Men, after 3 months the treatment group demonstrated significantly increased sperm parameters as compared to the placebo group.

Lifestyle changes are often helpful in increasing chances for conception. Smoking, caffeine and alcohol consumption can lower sperm production and quality. Reproductive organs are highly susceptible to free radical or oxidative damage from environmental toxicants and natural aging. A balanced, nutritional diet, and nutrition鋅一天攝取量al supplements with a high antioxidant content can help reverse some of this damage. Vitamin, zinc and selenium deficiencies have been known to reduce fertility health and are easily reversible with supplementation.



【美國原裝】Daily Well
瑪卡吃法ness Company, 男士生育複合營養膠囊,60粒直送台灣哪裡買?


