2007-02-05 15:31:19Heysweet


Dear God,

Help me get rid of the madness in my mind.
I do not want to feel anger at all.
I know I am but I do not want to be.
There are lovely things in the world and there are good things I can do.
Feel anger and depression is the last thing I want to.

Why people are easily trapped in their own sorrow and forgot how beautiful the world you even brought to us.
It is us to make the world ugly with those negative feelings

but I do feel sad and angry.... I wish you know what I feel and guide me and make smile glow in my mind again.
heysweet 2007-04-05 18:28:10

Hi 墨綠, 
謝謝你。 好久沒看到你了。

墨綠 2007-03-25 11:00:15


Heysweet 2007-03-17 18:00:06

好久不見吶, 很高興在這裏看到你, 這裏已變成與世隔絕的地戶, 雖然我挺安於這種安靜的, 但有朋友自遠方來, 不亦樂乎

哈, 日子的確有一陣挺難受的.