2008-06-21 14:47:39Hertford



KIRIN Whisky 樽熟 富士山麓 50%

C: Light Yellow
23 N: very sweet, toffee, light and fresh, spyside style, vanilla ice cream, 7-up, followed by a little grape seed, young malt, crème, 後有檀香木,柚木,甜桃,peach,即一點柚子皮,香氣複雜度夠且持續變化
22 T: 白色水果的甜味,melon peer, light body, 口感變化不明顯, 但力道支撐度頗加, 後有些許青梅子果味的暗示
22 F: medium, 但香氣綿長且細緻,白甜桃,peach,檀香木, toffee. 終感持續變化,lemon peer, peach,以NAS的酒款來說,相當驚人!
22 B: good balanced both for tasting and nosing. Complexity, full of texture, still variant
PS.這款超值到不行的好酒 (日本當地的售價是我聽過最便宜的SMW), 希望台灣有人能把他引進!

Oak Master 樽薰乃 37% (御壂場90%Grain, 10%Karuizawa)

C: Brown Amber
18 N: 焦糖, malty, candy, cognac, a little ginger, grain
17 T: light body, smooth, spicy, a little bitterness, 有點呆的酒,入口之後也沒什麼變化
16 F: short, less variant, 尾韻則苦味較長
16 B: no comment

Karuizawa 12yo 40% Pure Malt (原酒使用31yo~12yo, IWSC 2001 Gold Medal)

C: Deep Amber
19 N: sweet,山葵的清香? A little sherry, malty, some soda, ice cream, less variant, followed by a little hint of plum
18 T: light body, round, malty, ginger and spicy, a little bitterness at the root of tongue
18 F: short, 香氣較短, finish in a little spicy, bitterness, chocolate, candy bar.
18 B: 酒體輕盈, 但香氣尚均勻,唯缺乏變化

Karuizawa 17yo 40% Pure Malt (原酒使用31yo~17yo)

C: Amber
20 N: sweet, light sherry, 紫蘇梅, elegant fragrance, more comfortable, but less complexity at the end
19 T: light->medium, round, spicy, a little bitterness and dry
19 F: medium, 紫蘇梅(飯糰)的尾韻頗為細緻,特別. 終感變化仍稍嫌不足
20 B: 整體表現已接近水平,如酒精度提高應可增加並帶出其風味
Karuizawa 1997 10yo 63% Single Cask C#7875

C: Light Amber, Gold
20 N: beautiful sherry, 一點藥粉味, malty, a little toffee, cream, 後有一抹明顯的木桶味
21 T: light body, round, oil, dry.加冰塊之後散發出較多的白色水果香味? A little tropical fruit, a little bitterness comes up from the throat
19 F: short, 香氣綿長,帶一點硫磺味和酸奶味, toffee, 終感偏酸,finish in a little match box
19 B: 尚可,主要是香氣後段變化欠佳,口感稍嫌單調,dry, bitterness,整體而言仍不夠成熟

Karuizawa 1992 15yo 59.5% Single Cask C#3432

C: Amber, Red Brown
21 N: beautiful and elegant fragrance, texture sherry, raisin, deep, some chocolate, matured cask,蜜餞,黑李,plum
21 T: medium body, round and rich,酒體成熟,a little bitterness and dry in the end
21 F: medium, 尾韻帶些許orange chocolate,且木桶味相當明顯,桶子品質很好.尾韻則帶些許苦味
21 B: 整體表現均衡相當不錯

Karuizawa 1987 20yo 58.7% Single Cask C#2253

C: Deep Amber
22 N: sherry, deep, matured cask, chocolate,焦糖瑪奇朵,接著有杉木,檀木即漂亮的紅糖味,full of aroma
22 T: medium -> full, matured body, some cocoa, plum, waxy, 蜜餞, orange chocolate, a little dry, round w/ very good strength
21 F: long,香氣及餘韻皆相當綿長, deep sherry, a little hint of杉木,終感則帶些許乾果味
21 B: Balanced! 口感頗為沉重,但香氣均勻,細緻,正值青壯年.由於桶子相當不錯,值得再多等待個3~5年,相信表現會更佳

Karuizawa 1995/2008 13yo 63% Single Cask C#5021 Rouge Cask (使用輕井澤的紅酒桶,Chateau Mercian,美香) Barrel Reserve

C: Red Amber
21 N: a little sour, red fruit, cranberry, plum,蜜餞
20 T: light body, dry, very dry, strong and young, full of fruity
20 F: medium, long extension of nosing, still variant, less complexity in finish
20 B: balanced. 整體而言尚屬均衡,但口感較輕且dry,若可多放2~3yo應會更好

阿米狗 2008-06-26 23:57:01


2008-06-27 01:02:38