2008-05-12 03:49:20Hertford

TASTING - Ardbeg Corryvreckan

Ardbeg 10yo 46% Bot in 2006
22 N:smooth and elegant heather,a little peat,iodine,lightly smoky. Followed by sea weed and some flavor of white flower, pepper. End with fresh grass,蘚苔,a little honey, baked wood.
20+1 T:a little sweetness of peat,light body,w/ some salty and grassy. Followed by some white pepper. A little bitterness at the root of tongue. Less complexed at the end.
21+1 F:Medium,heather,淡淡的peat在口中停留許久,延續性頗佳.青草,花香一點森林中芬多精一路漫延到海邊的感覺的.尾韻有一絲苦鹹味從舌根慢慢竄出,跟peat的甜味融合在一起
21 B:平衡度佳,口感及香氣均勻.完全沒有負擔,46%果然是peat最佳的酒精度,相當好的一支islay入門酒款.

Ardbeg Corryvreckan 57.1% 100°Proof Exclusive to the Ardbeg Committee
23 N:初聞頗像有點沉悶的Ulgeadail,但又多了些許複雜.剛開始是深沉而漂亮的烤木桶味,略甜的peaty,帶一點mint candy的味道浮上來.接著有honey,nutty,green apple peer,lemon peer.後則是fresh grass, land,sea weed,rich and complexed!
22 T:medium body,口感醇厚紮實,very peaty,young but strong texture, and deep. A little dry,full of peaty in the mouth,w/ a little sweetness at the front of tongue whilst w/ some bitterness at the end of tongue. The rest are some silk tannins.從口中回吐滿是smoky.建議先倒一點喝就好,除非你本身就是peat freak!
22 F:Long, very long,all comes from peat and smoke.延續性相當強,餘韻peaty的香氣豐富而又富於變化,一絲碘酒的味道,但heather花香隨即在口中從滿口的peaty中散出,相當美妙. Finish in a little chocolate and hint of sweetness of honey.整個過程十分耐人尋味
22 B:Good balanced! Very peaty, actually strong peaty,but sweet.整體而言香氣及口感仍相當均衡(尤其加了一點水之後,平衡度更佳),期待過一段時間之後能有其他變化.
PS1.從still young,very young到almost there,一路的失望過來,Corryvreckan重新燃起了我對young Ardbeg的希望,It’s there! No. It’s here!

PS2.是有點像1990(Airigh Nam Beist)的CS版本,但同時卻又多了很多peat,整個深度也不同,深沉而複雜的口感,口感卻又較接近1990(bot. for Japan).這支committee的桶子相當特別,十分值得玩味,如果有機會,希望能嚐到very young的committee版本或另一款日本版做一下比較,相信一定很有趣

PS.倒了一些04’ Ulgeadail,突然覺得這支peat monster有點沉重,彷彿掉進了peat whirlpool中,果如其名!當下稍微比較喜歡04’Ulgeadail一點,fresh,愜意,暢快,沒負擔.但我願意再多給他一點時間.期待..
唯恐天下不亂 2008-05-16 08:14:27


魔王既出,豈敢不從~~ 2008-05-16 14:20:05
Mitch 2008-05-14 22:45:59

這是絕對要換的!(hint hint)

(OS:I got the hint!) 2008-05-14 23:13:03
Kingfisher 2008-05-14 19:48:51

嗯! 看了Hertford的解釋就更不懂了!

拿個Macallan跟你換吧!(hint hint)


反正這個故事有個壞人,就是那個漩渦(coil triller),把王子幹掉捲入漩渦,後來女神救了他讓他靈魂獲得解脫,應該是這樣吧? 至於狗..不知道是因為王子做了什麼事,也因為他的勇氣,所以狗活了.第三段真的聽不太懂,我也不大會說故事,還請見諒,哈~
2008-05-14 23:23:40