2010-02-16 09:40:11千年老妖

《【妖舞魔亂】Western vs. Asian Culture》+20






Western vs Asian Culture - very perceptive

Blue --> Westerners  //  Red –> Asians


No.01 Expressing an Opinion

No.02 Way of Life




No.03 Punctuality

No.04 Contacts

No.05 Expressing of Anger

No.06 When Waiting in a Queue

No.07 Ego / Perception of Self

No.08 Sundays on the Roads

No.09 Partying

No.10 Noise levels in a Restaurant

No.11 Treating a Stomach Ache

No.12 Travelling records

No.13 Handling Problems

No.14 Enjoying 3 Meals a Day

No.15 Transportation changes: 1970-2006

No.16 Elderly - Daily Life

No.17 Moods with Weather changes

No.18 Relations of Boss to Staff

No.19 What's Trendy (in Restaurant)

No.20 Approach to New Things

