維納斯計畫 一個共享世界,沒有政府,行得通嗎?
Architectural designer and futurist, JacqueFresco, is considered an inspiration by many for his innovative ideas and hisblueprint for a sustainable society and planet. It is known as the VenusProject. While some of his ideas are considered radical and far-fetched, we arenow reaching a point in technology where it may be time for a reappraisal.
The Venus Project proposes an alternativevision of what the future can be if we apply what we already know in order toachieve a sustainable new world civilization. It calls for a straightforwardredesign of our culture in which the age-old inadequacies of war, poverty,hunger, debt and unnecessary human suffering are viewed not only as avoidable,but as totally unacceptable. Anything less will result in a continuation of thesame catalogue of problems inherent in today’s world. Today many people believewhat is needed is a higher sense of ethical standards and the enactment ofinternational laws to assure a sustainable global society.
Fresco’s idea advocates for a society thatruns on socio-cooperation, and uses science and the advancement of technologyin clean and efficient ways. He calls this system a “resource-based economy”,and it would involve reconstructing the entire planet’s infrastructure. Theplanet would need to work together as one, “eliminating the false borders thatseparate continents and countries and looking at our planet as an open tradinghighway system.”
Because our current system is based on massconsumerism, which promotes environmental neglect, we are not living in asustainable society, and it’s only a matter of time before we drain the planetof its resources. Fresco suggests that the answer is to automate as much aspossible in the shortest period of time. By doing so, we can use technology toproduce and distribute resources for the entire world in a clean and efficientmanner. In this way, technology can work for everyone.
Two common concerns at this point arewhether or not there would be enough resources for everyone, and whether or notmass automation will have a negative effect on the job market. The first thingto take into consideration is that the Venus Project would terminate the needfor a monetary system, thereby having no effect on the job market, and if wecan get to a point where the level of production is high enough (which Frescoclaims is more than possible), scarcity will no longer exist. The theory isthat with most jobs automated, and resources in abundance, the average personwill only have to work a couple hours a day, and they would have everythingthey could possibly need.
Fresco also suggests that computers can beused to benefit mankind by using a global intelligence network to overseethings such as the production and distribution of goods, and to ensure therewould be no shortages or overruns of resources. “Decisions being made in thisinnovative society would be based around the needs of the people and theconservation of the planet, not corporate interests.” Our corporate-run societyuses the monetary system to stress a need for vast resources that don’t have tobe used—it promotes waste.
Fresco has numerous ideas for this newsystem, all of which are outlined in the documentary provided at the bottom ofthis page. From clean, renewable energy, to transportation, it seems Fresco hasthought of nearly everything.
The venusproject
Fresco’s system would also eliminate theneed for a government. As of yet, “none of the world’s economicsystems—socialism, communism, fascism, or the free enterprise system—haveeliminated the problems of elitism, nationalism, racism, and most of allscarcity.” These government-run systems are centered primarily on economicdisparity.
When money is used to regulate anddistribute resources for profit, people and nations are out for themselves.They will seek advantage at any cost. They do this by maintaining a competitiveedge, or through military intervention. War represents the supreme failure ofnations to resolve their differences. From a strictly pragmatic standpoint, itis the most inefficient waste of lives and resources ever conceived.
Fresco believes that people are good atheart, and that negative ideals are taught. It is his belief that when peopleare provided with everything they need, from the necessities required tosurvive, to the things that give us pleasure, the need for greed and corruptionevaporates. There is no need for a governing body or military in a world whereeveryone is provided for. There is no need for police if greed and desperation,and ultimately crime, are not present.
In the world Fresco is suggesting,technology can be used to advance mankind in positive ways. Rather than usingscience to advance our weapons technology, we can concentrate on the truenecessities, such as the medical field. Fresco believes that with medical careavailable to all, as well as advancements in technology, those conditions anddisorders that cause violent reactions in people can be detected and treatedfrom an early age, without the need for a prison system.
This has nothing to do with those who wantto form an elite world order with themselves and large corporations in controland the rest of the world subservient to them. On the contrary, a globalresource-based economy enables all people to reach their highest potentialwhere they can thrive and grow in a society that works on their behalf. Asociety that protects and preserves the environment as well—one thatunderstands we are a part of nature, not separate from it.
There have been a few arguments against theVenus Project, with some even claiming that Scientology, Hitler, Mao, andStalin all pale in comparison. This mainly seems to be due to the fact thatthere would be no need for currency, police, prison systems, or a government inFresco’s vision.
Some have commented that a system such asthe one Fresco is suggesting would eliminate competition, and withoutcompetition humans would lose their creativity and imagination. It should benoted that the desire for competition is not a human trait, but rather acultural trait, and there was no direct link found between competition and theability to create or imagine:
Mainstream culture in the United Statesemphasizes assertiveness and individuality, so many Westerners are competitiveand reluctant to give in to others. In more communal societies, people haveless individualistic perspectives and are less likely to focus on winningconflicts (Ting-Toomey, 1991; Van Yperen & Buunk, 1991). Similarly, inJapan and many other Asian cultures, open disagreement is strongly condemned(Gangwish, 1999). Great effort is made to avoid winning at the cost of causinganother person to lose face. In Japanese sports, the ideal is not for one teamto win but for a tie to occur so that neither team loses face. When there is tobe a winner, Japanese athletes try to win by only a slim margin so that thelosing team is not humiliated (“American Games, Japanese Rules,” cited inFerrante, 2006). (Wood, 2013).
The most common argument, however, is thatthe Venus Project is another form of communism or socialism, though it appearsto be difficult for skeptics to make a solid connection. For example in onecritic’s study it was noted that the Venus Project opposes the LeninistBolshevik brand of communism, and openly rejects the George Sorel approach of“ongoing blood riots and violence”, therefore meaning that the Venus Project isnot a form of revolutionary communism. A connection was immediately madeafterwards to socialism though, due to the fact Fresco’s system rejects police,prisons, and military.
Communism being similar to a resource-basedeconomy or the Venus Project is an erroneous concept. Communism has money,banks, armies, police, prisons, charismatic personalities, socialstratification, and is managed by appointed leaders. The Venus Project’s aim isto surpass the need for the use of money. Police, prisons and the militarywould no longer be necessary when goods, services, healthcare, and educationare available to all people.
In a report from Collective-Evolution:
Some argue that Jacque Fresco’s plans areidealistic and crazy, and that our world is too far away from such a utopia.However, if we take a moment to observe our current state, it is easy to seethat people are not content with the way the world is currently run. Countriesall around the world are standing up to their governments with hope ofreconstructing a future which provides equal and harmonious living standardsfor all. We are aware that we need to create something new, and perhaps JacqueFresco’s blueprints hold the key to the new Earth we’ve been waiting for allalong.
上一篇:德國總理梅克爾獲選2015 TIME年度風雲人物(兩篇文章匯集)