2015-03-18 10:31:52喜貓

奇蹟課程Lesson 74 你的意志就是神的意志 (轉自臉書翻譯:喜貓)

"今天"就是所有活動的中心思想, 與指導原則
當你看清這一點, 你會明白, 你的意志就是祂的意志
做為神意志的表達通道, 你沒有其他目標, 只有神的目標

~ 奇蹟課程

(註: 奇蹟課程有專人專書翻譯出書, 貼於此的, 自行翻譯, 以個人當下的體會與認知翻出, 僅供個人自習留存用, 有同好, 共同欣賞; 但無意與現有版本造成任何抵觸)

Lesson 74
"A Course in Miracles"

W-pI.74.1. The idea for today can be regarded as the central thought toward which all our exercises are directed. 2 God's is the only Will. 3 When you have recognized this, you have recognized that your will is His. 4 The belief that conflict is possible has gone. 5 Peace has replaced the strange idea that you are torn by conflicting goals. 6 As an expression of the Will of God, you have no goal but His