2014-09-25 02:17:43喜貓

生活中最佳的精力飲料(轉自臉書mind unleashed)


The Best ENERGY Drink of Your Life

Article shared with permission from Author Jenna Barrington.

I had the urge to write about this daily habit that takes 10 minutes or less, but can have an incredible influence on you and your family’s health!

內心有種驅力要寫建立每天的好習慣, 大約十分鐘, 卻能帶來一家大小的健康


Right now in our world there are a lot of people who would love to feel better about their bodies. Studies show that a good portion of both men and women are unsatisfied with themselves or struggle with self-confidence. This is no secret, and it is apparent that as a society we are searching for better answers than painful dieting and hours in the gym. 

現在有越來越多的人希望身體越變越好. 研究顯示部份男女並不是很有自信. 我們很想從痛苦的節食, 流汗的運動外找出更好的答案

I was first introduced to the idea of green smoothies by Robyn Openshaw when I was a teenager.  I struggled a lot with body image during adolescence, and more than wanting to feel beautiful I also wanted to feel healthy. So I was always looking for the secrets to having a body I felt confident walking around in!

當我還是個少年時, 第一次被引薦綠色精力湯. 那時對自己半大人的身型很不滿意, 既想感覺漂亮, 也想感覺健康. 所以當時一直在找什麼樣的東西能讓自己對身體感到滿意有自信的

The idea is you find the right blend of fruitsveggies, and greens to throw into a blender that make a delicious smoothie and a powerhouse nutrient-rich boost for your body! The possible and proven benefits to drinking a green drink on a daily basis are awesome!

最佳主意就是找到最佳比例的水果, 蔬菜與綠色植物, 丟到果汁機調配出一杯好喝, 充滿營養, 又有活力的蔬果汁. 效果不同凡響

  • green3

  • Weight loss 減重
  • Mood enhancement 心情好起來
  • Natural detox and cleanse 天然排毒與淨化
  • Immune support/boost 強化免疫
  • Huge percentage of daily need for vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants每天大量維他命礦物質與抗氧化營養物的來源
  • ENERGY increase that lasts 帶來持久的能量
  • Fiber that you don’t get from juice 更多的纖維
  • You feel ‘light’ verses ‘heavy’ 感到全身清爽輕盈
  • Happy cells!! 細胞感到愉悅

Green smoothies are great at anytime during the day, but are particularly excellent for breakfast. Our body goes through natural cycles  throughout a day where it focuses respectively on these three processes: Elimination, Appropriation, and Assimilation. In the morning we are typically in elimination mode and our body is focusing on releasing toxins and cleansing.

綠色精力湯任何時候喝都好, 特別推薦在早餐時喝上一杯. 我們的身體有它自己一天的循環周期, 有三個過程分別專注在不同的事情上: 去除, 融合, 整合. 早上通常處在去除的心理狀態, 身體也就自然跟著釋放雜質毒素.


Eating a heavy breakfast that is cooked can often be counter-productive to this cycle. Think of how it feels if you’re trying to clean the kitchen and before you’re done someone comes in and starts pulling out  food to make a big meal.  It would definitely slow you down or maybe even stop you from cleaning completely. Our body is the same way.

早餐吃太濃重會抵消這種排出釋放的過程. 試著想想, 當你想要打掃廚房, 但有人進來, 開始拿出食物大吃. 當然會減緩甚至阻止你清理的速度. 這就是身體的反應

Our body responds the best to living and easily digestible foods in the morning. Living food means it is raw (uncooked) and is thus still full of enzymes and nutrients that aid digestion and fuel your body.
我們的身體, 在早上, 對於自然的容易消化的反應最好. 所謂自然的是指原始的沒煮過的, 仍然充滿很多酵素, 和營養素, 能幫助消化, 給你身體滿滿的能量

Convinced to give smoothies a try? Let’s address some common hesitations for those that need a push!

想要試試看綠色精力湯嗎? 我們來說說常見的幾個不想試的問題:

Tastes nasty?

The first time I made a green smoothie it was disgusting. I didn’t blend it well so it was chunky and I was a little too ambitious on the percentage of greens that I added.  In general we are used to overly-sweet food, and starting off your smoothie habit with too many veggies can cause you (and your family victims) to tank before finishing the first glass. Luckily our taste buds adapt over time. Try starting with 20% veggies and 80% fruit. Then slowly change it until you’re eventually drinking 50/50. Baby steps!

我第一次試做時味道嚐起來很恐怖. 我沒有融合得很好. 對自己放各種蔬果的比例顯得太自以為是. 總之, 我們習慣甜度太重, 第一次放太多蔬菜會讓你從此遠離精力湯. 幸好, 我們的味蕾是可以漸次適應的. 建議先20%蔬菜+80%水果. 這樣可以慢慢跟著你適應, 直到5:5波. 踏出嬰兒一步步的步伐

Can’t get over looks and texture?
I would recommend getting a good blender.  For example try a Blendtec. They are FANTASTIC. Your smoothies will feel like Jamba Juice.  But let’s be real, a good portion of us don’t have that kind of money to throw around just yet.  But don’t let that stop you from changing you life.  Any blender will do the job. Putting the veggies in and blending them for a bit first can help to get rid of chunks making them easier to drink.
Bored? 很無聊

Now that I’ve got a spouse to please, I’ve put a lot more energy into VARIETY. Don’t get stuck on one recipe. Try new things! Mix new colors! If you make your family drink something that tastes too weedy one day, make a really delicious one the next day. Find your favorites and have fun getting creative.



  • 1/2 Cucumber
  • 1 whole lemon (just cut end nubs off)
  • 1 handful of spinach
  • 1 banana
  • 2 tbsp of green super-food powder
  • 1 tbsp of organic flax power
  • 1 cup of frozen pineapple
  • 2 scoops of organic yogurt
  • Coconut milk/Water


  • A few handfuls of spinach and kale
  • 1 Banana
  • 1-2 cups of frozen berries
  • 1 whole lemon (just cut end nubs off)
  • 2 tbsp of organic chia seeds
  • Water



  • 1 cup of carrots
  • 2 tbsp of organic flax powder
  • 1 tsp of bee pollen
  • 1 whole lemon (just cut end nubs off)
  • 2 oranges
  • 1 banana
  • A few slices of grapefruit or 3 drops of grapefruit oil
  • 2 scoops of organic yogurt
  • Water/Coconut milk


  • 1 mango
  • 1 cup of carrots
  • 1 apple
  • 1 banana
Just not sure it is for you?

Maybe smoothies just aren’t and will never be your thing. That’s fine! As with everything, don’t take my word for it. Give it a good shot. If it is a good thing your body will let you know!

Thank you for reading!