2012-10-26 11:15:57gw2goldfxdgf

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129859107743437500_49Shenzhen: Medicare surpluses or will disappear again after ten years in response to revised Medicare policy disputes, if not to renew Medicare cumulative length of payment problems sooner, according to the Xinhua News Agency power 3rd Shenzhen Social Insurance Fund Board was held with the participation of representatives of the media gw2 power leveling, Internet and professional scholars, public discussions, once again in the near future with regard to social security in Shenzhen ways to throw many of the revision processOn the response. On May 4 this year, Shenzhen, Shenzhen issued the social health insurance schemes (revised version), on medical insurance which the 13th, 20th cumulative minimum contributory period length, continuous payment period after the break to enjoy treatment sparked wide concern and discussion. Shenzhen Council for social security fund that, at present, the approach is still in the revision process also continues to welcomeIn-depth discussions, broaden thinking, seeking better advice and recommendations. On the day of the seminar, the social insurance fund authority Qin Qunli said: "we as a matter of policy implementation and operations departments and is willing to participate in the discussion, to analyse problems, so that the general public learn more about health insurance, information for decision-making. "On the day of the seminar, the Internet representation and participationExpert explanation on the Shenzhen social insurance fund management sector also put forward their views and suggestions. Netizens believe that still needs to take into account the minimum period of payment is set to 25 years, government departments may consider increased through the early forms of financial subsidies to alleviate burden on insured persons. In addition, continuous payment interruption after 3 months of "zeroing" can also be improved through other means, such as not provided for continuous parameterLife with "zeroing", instead of calculating cumulative contributory period to protect the interests of insured persons. At present, the Office of the social insurance fund in this way to seek views. Response 1 Why extend Medicare cumulative minimum period of contributions? Decade or health insurance fund "crisis" many masses and netizens believe that the approaches developed in Shenzhen during a minimum period of contribution from the city to payFee fee 15 start for 10 years, accumulated, to 5 years after the transition to the city to pay 25 15, accumulated contributions, increases the burden of insured people. In this regard, the related social insurance Fund Board said, the cumulative length of fee adjustments for 25, are taken together, this age and current Beijing, Tianjin, Qingdao and other places are the same, but more than 15 years Shanghai, GuangzhouAnd 20 years in Hangzhou higher life; its calculation shows that assumes that the current contribution base should not change case, 25 integrated healthcare payment total is 117,000 RMB, hospitalization medical insurance 25 to pay 11,000 yuan, migrant workers health insurance 25, total pay only 3,600 Yuan. Qin qunli said that current population structure are somewhat younger, now Medicare payments still in ShenzhenEnjoy the "demographic dividend", but longer term, 10 years after, the existing balance of payments surplus is likely to disappear, if not extended, to the problem sooner or later. Why interrupt 3 for 2 months to zero? Break March continuous insurance period "zeroing" and masses of netizens believe that this solution specifies interrupt payment for more than 3 months, years of continuous insurance "zeroing" recalculation would lead to insurancePeople enjoy medical insurance treatment zeroes, also against the interests of the insured. "3 months" zeroed "disputes, Social Insurance Fund Board statement said that continuous insurance linked to the amount of time is the highest paid and annual health care treatment, enacted in this way, continuous insurance period" zeroing ", medical insurance benefits are not" zeroing "," 3 months "zeroed" again after the insuredInsured in the insurance life "zeroing" recalculate State, then still enjoy $ 110,000 worth of "capping line" treatment. During the discussion, head of Shenzhen Council for Social Security Fund, "said 25-year minimum period of contributions", "continuously insured length of zero after a break of three months" requirement, the aim is to achieve "health insurance rights and obligations of reciprocity" principle, as far as possible to prevent the medical insurance systemOccurred during the implementation of "honest payment expense, evasion favourable" situation guild wars 2 power leveling. (Editors: Lian Lixin)