2012-06-13 09:31:39Guruji




⋯⋯ 也許去接受你不喜歡的事情是困難的,但是你一定可以去接受那個的一點點一個原子。在你接受那一個原子的一刻,你會看到一個改變發生了。這必須在靜默沉思的狀態下被完成。

假設你愛一個人,你會對他(她)要求越來越多,但是,你依舊無法滿足。在一個原子的誓言中,你只取那個人的一個原子,那就足以為你帶來滿足。雖然河流是寬廣的,但是一點點的啜飲就足以解你的乾渴;地球有這麼多的食物,但只要吃一小口,就足以滿足你的飢餓;一切你所需的就只是一點點。去接受生命一切的一點點,那將會為你帶來圓滿滿足。(取自古儒吉所著《Mind Mattersp.p.19-20Mind and Misery


(學琴老師翻譯 美修老師分享)


The mind lives on ‘more.’ Misery starts with ‘more and more’, and it makes you dense and gross.

The Self is subtle. To pass from the gross to the subtle, you must go through the finest level of the relative- the atom. To overcome aversion, hatred, jealousy, attraction or entanglement, you have to take yourself to the atom. Taking yourself to the atom means accepting a tiny bit of this.

It may be difficult to accept something you do not like but you can definitely accept a tiny bit of it- an atom. The moment you accept that one atom, you will see a change occur. This needs to be in a meditative state.

Suppose you love someone. You want more and more of him or her. Yet, there is no fulfillment. In anu vrat- the vow of an atom- you take just one atom of that person and that is enough to bring fulfillment in you. Though the river is vast; but a little bite satisfies your hunger. All that you need are tiny bits. Accept a tiny bit of everything in life-that will bring you fulfillment.