2009-02-16 11:23:12Guruji


食物也發揮了重要作用 古儒吉大師





:交替鼻孔呼吸法,將有助於緩解偏頭痛。喝大量的水和從事靜心,很多的人已經因此康復。如果你的胃是乾淨的,一切都會更好。Triphala淨化您的系統(譯註:印度艾育吠陀天然草藥 - 生活的藝術總部靜心所Divine shop可購得)。晚上以溫水或牛奶搭配服用31-2個月,你的系統會變得很乾淨。


Food also plays an important role.
Should not eat too much fried food.
Drink more water.
First thing in the morning drink half a litre- 500 ml. to 1 litre, upto 11/2 litres of water on an empty stomach.
Either warm or cold. It will keep you healthy, prevent diabetes, kidney problem, improve circulation.
Water has a lot of benefit. You must all drink. Morning bed tea- no good. No bed tea. First thing- water. It can have some lemon & ginger.
After half an hour of water then you can drink your tea.
Secondly, according to Ayurveda, hold your hand like a cup. Don't ask me there is no upper limit! Your stomach can hold this much. Okay?
Now avoid fried food, deep fried foods- no good. Once a month is okay. Not everyday. See how much fried food you use everyday- no good.
Vegetarian food is best. Today world over people are saying we should turn to vegetarianism. That can keep you very healthy & strong.

Q: Why not to have garlic & onion?
Guruji: Garlic & onion make you little dull. Creates tamogun. For meditators it's not very good. For gastric problem- garlic, for heart problem- onion. But as a regular diet, take everyday I would not advise. It makes consciousness dull.
This universe is filled with Prana, life energy. If you are a good meditator, nothing can make you unhappy. Even if you are unhappy, it immediately gets removed.

Question: On migraine problem.
Guruji: Alternate nostril pranayama will help in migraine. Plenty of water & meditation. So many people have gotten over it.
If your stomach is clear, everything is better. Triphala cleanses your system. 3 tablets with warm water or milk at night for 1-2 months. Your system becomes very clean.