2003-08-09 03:21:06mavis

Jeremy Northam~part two


◎對自己的身材不是很有自信,認為他 自己是很醜的,覺得自己內在是個十三歲男孩。

◎拍攝《一籠傻鳥Happy Texas》期間,合作男星Steve Zahn發覺Jeremy著迷於任天堂的”007”電動遊戲。


◎Jeremy Northam很明顯的不是個凡事DIY的人,他說過他的手不巧也不很了解機械構造。然而在他位於諾福克郡的家裡時,他偶而也會把他的Austin Healey愛車開出車庫,幫愛車好好的清洗一番,擦亮、打蠟車子。




◎Jeremy喜歡的服裝品牌有Nicole Farhi,Dolce & Gabbana,和Paul Smith。




◎和他在《網路上身The Net》裡的角色相反,Jeremy在現實生活裡從未在船上和人嘿咻過。













◎在電影《迷霧莊園Gosford Park》,電視劇《Martin and Lewis》裡他唱了歌,電影原聲帶裡有收錄他的歌聲,Jeremy的哥哥則為《迷霧莊園》戲中Jeremy彈鋼琴的戲份幕後彈奏。

◎Jeremy曾經當過Saks Fifth Avenue男裝型錄的模特兒有幾年之久。

Pigs Would Fly
Before you jump to a conclusion
Let's try to sort out this confusion,
I've been a long time in the states
Now catching up with life and mates.
Answering letters including your,
Accusing me of ignoring chores
Now listen, I have not received
A tee-shirt you have been deceived
And though to reply I'm rather late
Please don't think I hesitate;
It's a question of organization
Crossing the 't' in the equation .
My reasoning is rather bent
You flatter me with name of 'gent'
I'm trying just an ordinary guy
To set thinks down before I fly
Abroad to work long to return
Been filming here, to sleep I yearn.
Though I relish my lot,
It's good - I must not forget the plot:'
I became an actor 'cause I like to act'
I'm pleased your fans, but that's the fact,
And now, you see, I'm not prepared
For public life it makes me scared.
So thank you for your kind attention
Hope you'll see the misapprehension.
If there's anything I can do
Write and you'll hear in a year or two.
(May 1998)

c/o Harriet Robinson
Oxford House
76 Oxford St
London, W1D 1BS
United Kingdom

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