2003-12-19 03:40:20mavis


很曖昧的標題,但這真的是我在聽完suede在《performance》裡sleeping pills的感覺!其實這場bootleg聽過很多遍,但是在最近聽了suede在ICA的DMS live之後,再把這場久未聆聽的早期現場點選出來,對著歌詞,一句句的體會每首歌的意境,搭配著BB煽情、慵懶、耽溺的吉他聲線、Brett當時尾音特別媚惑、拉長的每句吟唱,Brett唱著Ohh…Angel, don’t take these sleeping pills, you don’t need them………當時的Brett舞台形象宛若一個時而吐氣如雲絲、但又狂放如入無人之境的、極端自憐的自我崇拜者;像個公主、睥睨著台下的觀眾,冷漠、偶而將手伸下臺,又即刻的縮回,繼續她沉溺於舞台上的漫遊,煽情、頹美。

這場的Brett和BB都有太強太強的氣勢要釋放;這是BB在suede的最後一次巡迴演出,BB時而故意走調不循以往模式的彈奏,一段段任性、長長的個人獨秀,和Brett好像要把嗓子喊啞一般的、像是沒有極限的歌唱……gig最後以團裡Brett在歌詞上力有未逮,和當時BB為了專輯Dog Man Star錄製,和製作人、其他團員僵持不下至撕破臉的情況之下,團員們放棄不願回想起、卻是許多suedehead最愛的stay together為整場gig的完結。這是suede在組團氣氛下最差時所做的演出,但也許在這樣的折磨,台上釋放出的美感和能量卻是比起其他所有的演出來的更為燦亮,更讓人為之心折。真的專心聆聽完整場現場,會覺得彷彿耗盡了所有力氣一樣,因為我的心在跟著旋律起伏,全身癱軟,卻心滿意足。

sleeping pills

Angel, don't take those sleeping pills, you don't need them
Though it's just time they kill
Angel, give me your sleeping pills, you don't need them
Give me the time they kill

You're a water sign, I'm an air sign
Gone gone to Valium, can you get me some?
You're a water sign, and I'm an air sign
Too Siamese to catch the leaves from those trees

Angel, don't take those sleeping pills, you don't need them
Though it's just time they kill

You're a water sign, I'm an air sign
Pumped up with Valium, could you get me some?
You're a water sign, I'm an air sign
With sweet F.A. to do today, with sweet F.A. to do today...

...Angel, don't take those sleeping pills