2021-01-19 09:53:19grinderftsory

Looking for a rotary trimmer

Have you been looking for a rotary trimmer for use either at home or in the office? If so, one you may want to look at is the Fellowes Proton 120, a device that's good for Tomato Sliceroccasional cutting. Here's a short review of this product so you can decide if this is the right cutter for you.    If you work with a lot of paper that's letter-sized or smaller, the Proton 120 would be a great choice. That's because it has a 12-inch cutting length and it can easily handle such items. However, if you often work with larger pieces of paper, you should probably choose a bigger cutter.This trimmer can slice through a maximum of 10 sheets at once.

This is a good amount if you just need a cutter for occasional use, but it may not be sufficient if you regularly need to process a lot of paper at one time.Like a lot of Fellowes' other rotary trimmers, the Proton 120 uses SafeCut blade cartridges. These cartridges have the blade encased in plastic so you'll be less likely to injure yourself when cutting. Also, the cartridges are easy to swap out so you'll be able to replace a dull blade within a few seconds and get back to cutting. You can even store extra cartridges in the base of the trimmer.This device's base is made out of metal, so it's pretty durable. There are cutting guides printed on it (including a protractor), so it will be easy to get the results you need.

The trimmer also has a paper clamp so your materials will stay put when you're working with them.The Proton 120 won't take up very much room because its approximate dimensions are 3” (height) x 8.5” (width) x 19” (depth). This trimmer will be easy to move from place to place because it only weighs about 4 pounds. Plus, this device looks very modern so it's a good fit for today's contemporary workplaces.Finally, this trimmer is affordable and it costs less than $50.00. It comes with a 2-year warranty so you can have it replaced or repair if you have any problems with it.  Conclusion:  The Fellowes Proton 120 is a pretty good little rotary trimmer. It's pretty safe to use and thanks to the cutting guides and paper clamp, you'll be able to get good results every time you use it. The base is durable enough to withstand a fair amount of use so you'll definitely feel like you're getting your money's worth out of the device. You'll need to consider what and how much you need to cut because due to the trimmer's cutting length and capacity, it wouldn't be a good choice if you need to work with a lot of large paper. However, if the cutting length and capacity work for you, you'll find that the Proton 120 can really help you out. If that's the case, take a look at this product today so you can start trimming your documents.