2005-03-03 22:51:41靜花香

Just saying hi, as I always used to do

Hi, how are you?
I'm now listening to Kabelevsky's violin concerto by Vanessa Mae. It was my favourite piece of music. I lent you this CD so you'd know what I'm like. I don't know if it rings any bell, remember I played the bassoon part in it in the lower 6th? Reminds me of the Poulenc piano concerto I played in the Abbey. You didn't come to listen to me play, did you? Were you busy that day? It was an important day for me coz I was on show, but all I wore was a black v neck top and a long long long black skirt. But despite that, it'd still be so nice if you did come.

So that was one of my so-called Sherborne days. Before you came along into my house, I tried to wonder how I'd spend the evenings, and what kind of books I would read. But I don't remember. Me, kind of a solitary figure in the days when no one cared to do any music practice. (I don't quite figure out how I do my work either.) And you, ever a popular and admirable figure among the Chinese girls, and of course an excellent maths teacher. It was fun getting to know you. You're loud and humourous, brings joy to our Dun Holme crowd. Then I fell drunk in the Dinner Party one day, you saved me.

Do you know what I'm scared most of Dun Holme? It must the squeaky wooden floors...

Hope you got my sms alright last time, cheerio.


(Photo: My room now in hospital feels so much like this one in Mulliner. We liked it a lot didn't we?