[Google Doodle]情人節小故事! 祝各位情人節快樂!
各位情人節快樂, 今天的GOOGLE DOODLE別出心裁推出情人節動畫塗鴉, 搭配上Tony Bennett所演唱的Cold Cold Heart 還有外頭霧茫茫的天氣, 整個就很有情人節的浪漫.
以下先分享整段Google Doodle的影片給大家.
今 天早上在廣播節目聽到了情人節的由來, 這邊也分享給大家. 據傳在古羅馬時期有位國王非常喜歡打仗, 而且他相信未婚的男子特別有戰鬥力, 所以下令這些年輕的士兵禁止結婚. 但當時有位名為Valentine的傳教士, 都被著國王的指令, 私底下為這些年輕的士兵證婚. 後來Valentine不幸被捕入獄, 在2/14身故. 後世為了感念他的大愛, 所以就選在2/14紀念Valentine. 這也就是Valentine's Day的由來. 這解釋可能與維基百科有所不同, 但提供給各位做個參考, 總之希望大家都有個很棒的情人節.
最後分享Tony Bennett的Cold Cold Heart給大家, 無論有沒有情人, 都要更愛自己喔!
Cold Cold Heart
I've tried so hard my dear to show That you're my every dream
Yet you're afraid each thing I do Is just some evil scheme
A memory from your lonesome past Keeps us so far apart
Why can't I free your doubtful mind And melt your cold cold heart
Another love before my time Made your heart sad an' blue
And so my heart is paying now For things I didn't do
In anger unkind words are said That make the teardrops start
Why can't I free your doubtful mind And melt your cold cold heart
There was a time when I believed That you belonged to me
But now I know your heart is shackled To a memory
The more I learn to care for you The more we drift apart
Why can't I free your doubtful mind And melt your cold cold heart
最後希望大家可以順手幫文章按個讚, 如果想更即時得到最新消息, 也歡迎加入KisPlay 3C俱樂部(http://www.facebook.com/LoveKisPlay)與大家一起討論囉!
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