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金石堂網路書局 財經企管-Land Administration and Practice in Hong Kong(T


財經企管類的書對我來說是枯燥乏味的,但在工作後,發現在學校學的東西根本不能用,想要在職場上有好的表現,要學習的東西實在是太多了,例如企業管理、行銷手法、職場人際、投資理財、時間管理等等都需要自我進修,所以就算是逼自己成長,多賺一些錢,這類的書就變得很必要的,所以為了讓自己看下去這類書,我都會上網路書店先看看書的簡介,必需用字編排感覺有趣不無聊,我才會買回來看,要不然就傷了荷包又沒有效益,就沒什麼用了。最近我又需要進修一下了,逛了一下金石堂網路書店,找到了 Land Administration and Practice in Hong Kong(Third Edition) 這本書,看起來很不錯喔,希望對我的工作有些幫助,不囉嗦就直接將 Land Administration and Practice in Hong Kong(Third Edition) 買回來,希望快點拿到。如果對 Land Administration and Practice in Hong Kong(Third Edition) 也有興趣的朋友,歡迎到下面 Land Administration and Practice in Hong Kong(Third Edition) 的網頁連結參考看看喔。

Land Administration and Practice in Hong Kong(Third Edition)




  • 《Land Administration and Practice in Hong Kong(Third Edition)》

    Although Hong Kong is an open and business-friendly environment, it has a socialist leasehold land tenure system. The government is landlord to virtually all land, so it plays a pivotal role in the administration of this scarce and therefore valuable resource. As land administration is governed by private contract law rather than legislation, it is constantly evolving with the courts handing down decisions on a regular basis. Government practice also has to respond to this, as well as to the community’s concerns on how best land can be administered. As a result, regular updates of this book are required and this new Third Edition is fully up to date to serve its readers — students and practitioners of surveying, architecture, planning and law, and the wider business and financial community.

    • 作者介紹

      Roger Nissim

      FRICS, FHKIS, RPS, became chartered in 1968 and practiced as a surveyor in England before coming to Hong Kong in 1973. For twenty years he worked for the Hong Kong government before joining a leading local property developer. Since 2008 he has been an adjunct professor in the Department of Real Estate and Construction of the University of Hong Kong.




  • 作者:Roger Nissim

  • 出版社:香港大學

  • 出版日:2011/12/1

  • ISBN:9789888083800

  • 語言:英文

  • 適讀年齡:全齡適讀

Land Administration and Practice in Hong Kong(Third Edition)

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