2005-03-02 22:07:00夏次..


cold... Wednesday.. (the weather is kinda ..strangeeee..)

It had been a month since I started new job....the work is "ok" in term of the new area for me to explore... but "not ok" in term of the way the whole work procedurs / system.. it's much much manuel than my imagination.. and colleagues seem doesn't really care / aware how much you know, they throw the "bomb" to you in a sudden..!! and never never tell you the full picture or story, which seem they assume you know everything.. well .. no wonder their turnover is quite high.. many colleagues are still "new" in the department, they worked like around 8,9 months (in average) only.. !!

Well, the only good thing is I can get off much earlier than before although I need to travel to PRC at least twice a month..

I will try my best to be a surviour ..yeah.. I 'm changed.. I lost all my aggressivness.. in here.. I don't want to be a top player.. i just want to have a peaceful life... is this common in big comp.???????