2006-05-24 05:48:32gillianchang

CBC’s documentary

Tree planting is indeed a uniqure experience of REAL canada, not even US has this industry. We have 75 Canadian kid aged between 20~30, fun loveing hippy oriented boys and girls (single ones would sleep around and call it "poligomy" and couple would stick together) We are lucky enough to have CBC (canada’s BBC) to shoot our camp meeting for their documentary next year! So you might see me on TV next fall. I think we’ve got into a very famous company this time. Cool boss Cal just hired us on the phone (must be Mark’s Aussi accent)

葉子 2006-11-09 15:49:07

Hey, I am so proud of your spirit of trying everything. I guess I am too old to try these. You are very open-minded to have new experience. Happy for you!