2004-04-20 01:03:58Bionic Cat


Mojo Magazine Talks Wood & Music
What music are you currently grooving to?
I'm really into Scottish music. People don't realise there's all this great talent coming out of there right now - I particularly like Franz Ferdinand. And I'm in kind of a Beatles kick at the moment. I love Let It Be...Naked and the John Lennon box set is amazing! And I'm a huge Michel Gondry fan, of the way he combines music and video. I got to meet with him when I was doing Two Towers and Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, which was great.
我非常喜歡蘇格蘭音樂,大家都沒注意到,最近蘇格蘭出現很多新秀─我特別喜歡Franz Ferdinand。我目前也很熱衷於披頭四,我喜歡”Let It Be”…”Naked”,約翰藍儂的套裝選集超棒的!我也是Michel Gondry的迷(譯註:這位就是王牌冤家導演,也是我最愛的碧玉Bjork專用MV導演,夠嗆!Elijah果然是超級GEEK…)尤其是他結合音樂與影像的方式。我在拍”魔戒二部曲”(Who can tell me why?)跟”王牌冤家”時有幸遇見他,真是太棒了。
What, if push comes to shove, is your all-time favourite album?
Oh that's impossible! I mean really. How do you answer that? I've not been to a record store in over a month - which is really weird for me! And I'm getting into new music -I only discovered The Stone Roses during Lord of The Rings. I really like The White Stripes' Elephant though.
我不可能選得出來!真的。你怎麼回答這種問題?我已經一個月沒上唱片行了─對我來說這真是怪事!而且我最近愛上一個新樂團─我在拍魔戒時發現了”石頭玫瑰樂團”。不過我也喜歡White Stripe藍調二人組的”Elephant”
What was the first record you bought? And where did you buy it?
I can't remember. There's always been music around. I'm incredibly passionate about it, kind of insane even.
Which musician have you ever wanted to be?
In my fantasies, it would be great! But as a music-minded person you have your rock 'n' roll dreams but I wouldn't personally want to apply them - I love music too much to screw it up, ha ha! But I'm starting my own record label this summer with a friend to facilitate indie bands, get music I believe in out there. Only indie - to help these musicians signed and heard!
What do you sing in the shower?
I don't!
What is your favourite Saturday night record? ]
That's difficult to answer, because I love so much music. Let's see - Led Zeppelin, Smashing Pumpkins or Jimi Hendrix.
很難回答,因為我喜歡的音樂太多了。我想想─Led Zeppelin、Smashing Pumpkins或Jimi Hendrix(譯註:哪個老美不愛吉米罕醉克?)。
And your Sunday morning record?
Maybe The Flaming Lips, Radiohead or Massive Attack
可能是Flaming Lips、Radiohead或Massive Attack(譯註:有這種品味,想變成好萊塢沉淪童星也很難了…)