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博客來 Academic English:Skills for Success博客來獨家款話題 博客來

Academic English:Skills for Success 好書推薦

This book features six theme-based units on cross-discipline academic English skills, focusing on the needs of first-year undergraduate students. Each unit covers academic reading, writing and speaking skills. The units progressively take students through the steps needed to complete common academic assignments—the essay, report and tutorial discussion. These steps include gathering information, note-taking, establishing personal stance, synthesizing information from multiple sources, structuring academic texts and editing written texts. Each unit also covers features of grammar common to academic writing and speaking as well as vocabulary acquisition skills.

This book is aimed for first-time university students. Many of the reading texts in the book and the tasks are related to China and Asia as a whole. As such, this textbook might specifically appeal to first-year university students in Hong Kong, mainland China and Taiwan.


Letty Chan has taught undergraduate English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses at the University of Hong Kong and is currently a doctoral candidate in applied linguistics at the University of Nottingham.

Louisa Chan is a language instructor in the Centre for Applied English Studies at the University of Hong Kong.

Miranda Legg is a senior lan博客來網路書店guage instructor in the Centre for Applied English Studies at the University of Hong Kong.

Wai Lan Tsang is an assistant professor in the Centre for Applied English Studies at the University of Hong Kong.

Academic English:Skills for Success是本非常有意思的書﹐人家還買不起太貴的…,是個不錯的選擇



壯大夢想的Academic English:Skills for Success﹐內容的每一個細節卻都令人驚艷!

Academic English:Skills for Success曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。

Academic English:Skills for Success是本不錯的語言學習,誠意推薦給大家看喔!

  • 出版社:香港大學出版社


  • 出版日期:2012/08/01
  • 語言:英文





  • 出版社:香港大學出版社


  • 出版日期:2012/08/01
  • 語言:英文

This book features six theme-based units on cross-discipline academic English skills, focusing on the needs of first-year undergraduate students. Each unit covers academic reading, writing and speaking skills. The units progressively take students through the steps needed to complete common academic assignments—the essay, report and tutorial discussion. These steps include gathering information, note-taking, establishing personal stance, synthesizing information from multiple sources, structuring academic texts and editing written texts. Each unit also covers features of grammar common to academic writing and speaking as well as vocabulary acquisition skills.

This book is aimed for first-time university students. Many of the reading texts in the book and the tasks are related to China and Asia as a whole. As such, this textbook might specifically appeal to first-year university students in Hong Kong, mainland China and Taiwan.


Letty Chan has taught undergraduate English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses at the University of Hong Kong and is currently a doctoral candidate in applied linguistics at the University of Nottingham.

Louisa Chan is a language instructor in the Centre for Applied English Studies at the University of Hong Kong.

Miranda Legg is a senior language instructor in the Centre for Applied English Studies at the University of Hong Kong.

Wai Lan Tsang is an assistant professor in the Centre for Applied English Studies at the University of Hong Kong.

Academic English:Skills for Success

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Academic English:Skills for Success
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Academic English:Skills for Success

