2008-03-11 18:09:37攝理搖滾

Matchbox 20----unwell

1996年成軍至今的火柴盒20(Matchbox Twenty),短短幾年間已在樂壇締造多項令人咋舌的非凡成就。隸屬Post-Grunge音樂範疇的Matchbox 20,在才氣縱橫的主唱Rob Thomas引領下,此團成為最佳代表性的典範之最,將走入90年中即告勢微的Grunge樂派,舖下另一道血脈,並傳承其扎實的音樂風格,表現出更具流暢感與精緻度的音樂新導向,也讓Matchbox Twenty成為近年來樂史上最受推崇、聲勢持續不墜的一個搖滾團體。

身為Matchbox 20靈魂人物的Rob Thomas,從未想過能成為別人眼中所謂的「超級搖滾巨星」,一直謙虛的以創作人身分自居,隨性率真、翱翔自我地編寫出多樣迥異風格之作品!出生德國軍事基地的Rob,17歲時逃離高中教育和不完整的家庭生活,靠著搭便車在美國東南部一帶流浪,能夠讓他依靠、宣洩情緒的唯有『音樂』。直至遇到有著相同音樂理念的鼓手Paul Doucette、貝斯手Brian Yale、與雙吉他手Adam Gaynor和Kyle Cook,自此Matchbox 20便羽化成型。

全球超過兩千五百萬人感受透過Matchbox 20找回搖滾熱血

1996年順利推出首張專輯【Yourself Or Someone Like You】後,陸續發行【Mad Season】(2000)與【More Than You Think You Are】(2002)等三張專輯,Rob Thomas帶領Matchbox 20締造8首全美排行榜冠軍單曲,其中抒情佳作Unwell,更創下蟬連全美成人抒情榜18週冠軍紀錄!全球累積超過兩千五百萬張的驚人銷售量,成績斐然!Rob Thomas個人魅力更是所向披靡,3座葛萊美獎、13次BMI金獎,蟬連2屆Billboard年度最佳創作人。1999年Rob與山塔那合寫合唱的單曲Smooth,不僅幫助山塔那東山再起,重返流行歌壇,更入選為滾石雜誌百大單曲、全美12週冠軍,橫掃葛萊美八項大獎,自此Rob Thomas獨樹一格的創作實力,終獲得全球壓倒性的讚賞與認同!不刻意突顯俊秀外型的他,仍被時人雜誌選為『全球50名最美麗的人物』之一,美國週刊亦封他為本世紀最性感的搖滾男歌手。

All day staring at the ceiling

Making friends with shadows on my wall

All night hearing voices telling me

That I should get some sleep

Because tomorrow might be good for something

Hold on

Feeling like I’m headed for a breakdown

And I don’t know why


But I’m not crazy, I’m just a little unwell

I know right now you can’t tell

But stay awhile and maybe then you’ll see

A different side of me

I’m not crazy, I’m just a little impaired

I know right now you don’t care

But soon enough you’re gonna think of me

And how I used to be...me

I’m talking to myself in public

Dodging glances on the train

And I know, I know they’ve all been talking about me

I can hear them whisper

And it makes me think there must be something wrong with me

Out of all the hours thinking

Somehow I’ve lost my mind


But I’m not crazy, I’m just a little unwell

I know right now you can’t tell

But stay awhile and maybe then you’ll see

A different side of me

I’m not crazy, I’m just a little impaired

I know right now you don’t care

But soon enough you’re gonna think of me

And how I used to be

I’ve been talking in my sleep

Pretty soon they’ll come to get me

Yeah, they’re taking me away


But I’m not crazy, I’m just a little unwell

I know right now you can’t tell

But stay awhile and maybe then you’ll see

A different side of me

I’m not crazy, I’m just a little impaired

I know right now you don’t care

But soon enough you’re gonna think of me

And how I used to be

Yeah, how I used to be

How I used to be

Well, I’m just a little unwell

How I used to be

How I used to be

I’m just a little unwell

上一篇:hot hot heat
