2004-07-28 09:57:32靜惠

No Spam by 2006? 二00六年前終結垃圾郵件?

◎Finally, no more porn ads色情廣告終於不再來
Someday soon, we might not have to be 1)embarrassed when we open our inboxes. Today, the 2)majority of 3)emails are 4)unwanted advertisements for anything from sex to 5)diet pills to 6)low-interest loans. But top 7)executives in the computer industry are 8)predicting an end to this 9)annoying flood by 2006.
1) embarrassed (a.) 尷尬的
2) majority (n.) 大多數
3) email (n.) 電子郵件
4) unwanted (a.) 不想要的
5) diet pill (n.) 減肥藥丸
6) low-interest loan (n.) 低利貸款
7) executive (n.) 主管
8) predict (v.) 預測
9) annoying (a.) 煩人的
Microsoft Corp. 1)founder Bill Gates said in Davos, Switzerland this year that the problem of unwanted 2)commercial email would soon be solved by his company. Then, Enrique Salem, president of Brightmail Inc., a leading 3)anti-spam company, 4)boasted that his own company would solve the problem by 2005.
1) founder (n.) 創辦人
2) commercial (a.) 商業的,廣告的
3) anti- (pref.) 表示「反」的字首
4) boast (v.) 誇口,吹噓
Brightmail Inc. has created a “1)reputation service,” a type of program that 2)differentiates between “clean” emails from friends and good businesses and spam. America Online has created an email service that allows users to 3)identify the 4)sender of an email. Other 5)techniques include fees for commercial email unless the 6)receiver chooses to accept it, and 7)complex 8)puzzles that could slow down spammers.
1) reputation (n.) 名譽,名聲
2) differentiate (v.) 區分
3) identify (v.) 辨認
4) sender (n.) 發送者,傳送者
5) technique (n.) 技術
6) receiver (n.) 接受者
7) complex (a.) 複雜的
8) puzzle (n.) 謎題
Despite all this, spam numbers are still up this year. Brightmail research shows that the 1)percentage of spam has increased from 58% of all email in December to 60% in February. They expect it will 2)peak at around 65% later this year and then start to 3)decline.
1) percentage (n.) 百分比
2) peak (v.) 達到高峰
3) decline (v.) 下降