2005-02-02 18:30:09小普

Ever Clean 的盒裝貓砂



Everclean 的紅標活性碳內容除了貓砂的使用,您也可以取些砂,用透氣袋包好,放在衣櫉,冰箱,或暫時不用的皮箱裡,也有除臭殺菌的功能哦!

‧添加***活性碳*** 加倍除臭防菌功能 ‧
‧**粗砂顆粒*** 百分之九十九無塵‧
‧fragrance free ***無香味***‧

2.綠標:是Ever Clean貓砂系列中的綠標產品,屬於帶有***清新味道***,




至於 Ever Clean 官方網站的部份 http://www.everclean.com/
Ever Clean 主要出了五種貓砂,分別是:
1. 紫標:Ever Clean® Plus Multi-Crystals(水晶砂) combines maximum clumping strength with the power of crystals to contorl odors and absorb liquids on contact. It's ideal for multiple cat households, and it's fragrance-free(無香味). 這款台灣沒有賣

2. 綠標:Ever Clean® Extra Strength contains smaller granules(細砂) for maximum clumping power(極大凝結力). It is ideal for multiple cat households and has a fresh scent for dealing with extra strong odors(有香味).

3. 藍標:Ever Clean® Extra Strength Unscented(無香味) contains smaller(細砂) granules for maximum clumping power(極大凝結力). It is ideal for multiple cat households, yet is fragrance-free(無香味) for cats (and people!) sensitive to scent. 這款好像不多地方有賣,我記得是寵物第x網有在賣。

4. 紅標:Ever Clean® ActivBloc™ (活性碳) is an antimicrobial formula(抗菌配方) that contains the highest level of our patented ingredient that fights the growth of odor-causing bacteria in the litter. ActivBloc™ is Unscented(無香味的). ActivBloc also contains larger granules(粗砂).

5. 黃標:Ever Clean® Low Track contains larger granules(粗砂) for reduced tracking and has a fresh scent for dealing with strong odors(有香味).


至於官方網站裡的 FAQ 集裡... 我看了一下,把大家比較有可能會不清楚的地方 PO 出來,並且加了一些翻譯... 如果有錯誤的地方請盡量指證!!
Q. Is it okay to flush the clumps of Ever Clean® litter down the toilet? (丟馬桶裡好嗎?)
A. No. We do not recommend flushing any type of clay cat litter, because it can cause clogging.

Q. Is it okay to mix Ever Clean® with other litters? (可以混合其他貓砂嗎?)
A. No. We do not recommend mixing Ever Clean® with other litters because it may not clump as well as expected. (不建議,因為可能會影響貓砂的凝結力)
↑ 我個人抱不同想法,參考就好,官方說法當然是不建議自己的產品和別的混合

Q. What's the best way to dispose of Ever Clean®? (丟棄貓砂最好的方法?)
A. Simply remove clumps and solid waste daily and dispose in the trash. DO NOT FLUSH down the toilet. Once a month, empty the entire litter box and dispose in the trash. (當做垃圾丟棄即可,不可丟到馬桶裡。每一個月當作垃圾清掉全部的貓砂。)

Q. Is it okay to use Ever Clean® for other pets, such as hamsters, rabbits or ferrets? (給其它寵物使用?)
A. We only recommend using this product for cats. (只建議給貓使用)