2010-03-10 23:54:38frances


haha i just found out that SO MANY PEOPLE HAVE FORMSPRING XDD never realized it haha 

oh well i think i have enough websites to procrastinate on already, dont need another one.

well, today was kinda relaxing, in a way

bio, just started evolution TODAY D: we are soo behind. cant believe the final is next thursday, sigh. we have to seriously power through and there will be no review session. the second trimester went past sooo fast! cant believe its almost over! ahh i will miss bio so much i love bio its my fav subject. and now i have to move to physics. ew math lol

orchestra LOL siew balancing an icepack on her head for the whole class. poor siew, i hope her headache gets better! even though her classes are awesome, i do think that sometimes she should stay home for longer to get more rest haha

flex today. sub, worked, planned for fringe festival XD

finished 活着
omg its soo good and tragic D: sigh i wanna watch it again lolll but apparently its banned in china cause of anti cultural revolution stuff.
lol everyone was like speechless at the end, we were all too full of emotion.

i love chinese right now cause of the movies XD hope we watch more

well. apush test tomorrowD:
 gotta go study


at 1. pm tomorrow, which is lunchtime, YOU SHOULD ALL GO SEE THE 5th GRADE INVENTION CONVENTION in the ELEMENTARY BUILDING!!!!
im so going to see my bro haha everyone's welcome to join me :)
