2019-04-04 02:45:44fpdprdh57nxr

【大力推薦】Cybex賽百斯Aton M i-Size嬰兒提籃 包含底座M Basisstation Base M 特價產品最近流行商品

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Cybex賽百斯Aton M i-Size嬰兒提籃 包含底座M Basisstation Base M


Cybex賽百斯Aton M i-Size嬰兒提籃 包含底座M Basisstation Base M












Cybex Infant Car Seat Aton M i-Size including Base M 設計式樣: Tropical Blue - navy blue · 2019

This amazing set consists of the Cybex infant car sear Aton M i-Size and the Base M and conforms to the latest European standards for child safety and carries your child from 45 to 87 cm safely in a rear-facing mode.

Group/ weight category:

  • Body height: 45 to 87 cm

  • Weight: 13 kg max.

Conforms to the norm:

  • ECE R-129 (i-Size)

The Aton m i-Size infant car seat is part of the M-Line Modular system. Together with its successor Sirona M2 i-Size, the Aton M i-Size can be attached to the same base. Your little one can travel safely in a rear facing mode right from birth up to an age of 4 years.

With a weight of only 4,2 kg Aton M i-Size is an absolute lightweight. Due to its removable new-born insert that guarantees a flat recline position, it is suitable for new-born babies or premature babies.

The elaborate safety concept features the integrated linear side impact protection (LSP System) which absorbs the energy of the forces that occur in a car crash and directs your little one's head into a safe position. The energy absorbing shell embraces and protects your child.

Both head protectors and shoulder protectors grow with your child. They can be adjusted in eleven different levels and thus guarantee long term use up to a body height of 87 cm. Extra wide Y-belts with soft belt pads and buckle pads supply your child with maximum comfort. The XXL canopy that can be used as a sun protection or to create a snug retreat for your child comes with UVP 50+.

Details of Cybex Aton M i-Size:

  • Age suitability: from birth up to a body height of 87 cm max.

  • Attachment according to i-Size norm with Cybex Base M i-Size, alternatively according to ECE R44/04 regulation with car's own seat belt
  • 生日送禮推薦最暢銷產品

  • Including removable new-born insert for new-born babies and premature babies

  • LSP - linear side impact protection, innovative side protectors

  • Head and shoulder protectors can be adjusted in 11 different levels

  • XXL sun canopy with UVP 50+

  • Five-point harness, extra wide Y-belts with buckle pads

  • Removable cover, washable at 30°C

  • Size: L 66 x W 44 x H 39 to 56,5 cm

  • Weight: 4,2 kg

Details of Cybex Base M:

  • Compatible with Cybex infant car seat Aton M/ Aton M i-Size and successor Sirona M2 i-Size

  • Simple and quick installation supplies your child with maximum comfort
  • 流行暢銷排行

  • Fastening the seat separately is not required

  • Indicator confirms correct installation

  • Height-adjustable support foot improves stability in case of an accident




Cybex賽百斯Aton M i-Size嬰兒提籃 包含底座M Basisstation Base M





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Cybex賽百斯Aton M i-Size嬰兒提網友一致推薦熱門商品籃 包含底座M Basisstation Base M

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討論, Cybex賽百斯Aton M i-Size嬰兒提籃 包含底座M Basisstation Base M

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CP值, Cybex賽百斯Aton M i-Size嬰兒提籃 包含底座M Basisstation Base M

評鑑大隊, Cybex賽百斯Aton M i-Size嬰兒提籃 包含底座M Basisstation Base M

部落客推薦, Cybex賽百斯Aton M i-Size嬰兒提籃 包含底座M Basisstation Base M

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