2007-02-26 00:59:40FOX Koehn

My past; my future~

I did not write in here for ages... coz here is full of my old old old memory... something I dun really wanna look back and think back...

love cannot define as right or wrong...
love start by two persons, that is true and real...
love end also by two persons, ... JUST some problem come up... u cannot blame ur partner coz there should be something you have take the blame.

no matter what... the bygone is bygone...
End is the ending or another new starting?
who knows...

all depends how you think about it... End is Start? Start is End?
some people treat life is "going to die"/ "chance to learn"...

everything has two-sides... without my PAST, I am not a person like NOW... if i am not work-hard NOW, I will fail like my PAST...