2011-07-13 14:40:30歐頭






音樂0@@曲名:「God is gone up,作品27-2/ -4'08"CD-TK1

**作曲家:芬濟Gerald Finzi (1901-1956)

**演奏者:Harry Bicket/管風琴,Paul Spicer指揮芬濟歌手合唱團


**CD編號:CHAN 8936

**專輯名稱:芬濟「合唱作品Choral Works



Gerald Finzi (1901-1956)出生


音樂1@@曲名:曲名:「Summa(1977)/ -4'56"CD-TK1

**作曲家:Avro Part

**演奏者:John Keys/管風琴,Andrew Angus/數字低音,Jeremy Backhouse指揮VasariSingers


**CD編號:7243 5 65903 2 8

**專輯名稱:「Twentieth Century Choral Music



音樂2@@曲名:「Funeral Ikos(1981)/ -7'43"CD-TK4

**作曲家:John Tavener

**演奏者:John Keys/管風琴,Andrew Angus/數字低音,Jeremy Backhouse指揮VasariSingers


**CD編號:7243 5 65903 2 8

**專輯名稱:「Twentieth Century Choral Music



音樂3-1@@曲名:「A Hymns to the mother of God」選自「Two Hymns to the mother of God(1985)/ -2'21"CD-TK6

音樂3-2@@曲名:「Hymns for the Dormition of mother of God」選自「Two Hymns to the mother of God(1985)/ -3'31"CD-TK7

**作曲家:John Tavener

**演奏者:John Keys/管風琴,Andrew Angus/數字低音,Jeremy Backhouse指揮VasariSingers


**CD編號:7243 5 65903 2 8

**專輯名稱:「Twentieth Century Choral Music




OS4這裡是FM97.7古典音樂台 歡迎回到【古典啟示錄】禮拜四「主題與變奏」下半段的時間,我是OTTO…,繼續進行今天的主題與變奏080二十世紀合唱。

英國作曲家兼管風琴家――約翰・塔文納(John Tavener)是當今最著名的作曲家之一,他的作品風格獨特,融渴望與激情於一體,作於1991年的《埃及的瑪麗》雖說是音樂戲劇作品,但更似舞臺試驗和靈魂冥想。他的作品毫不妥協地堅持著純淨無瑕的表達風格與對音樂的虔誠精神。

John Tavener1944128日出生在英國倫敦的溫布利,他是16世紀作曲家Taverner的直系後裔。曾經在海蓋特學校和皇家音樂學院接受教育,他的導師是倫諾克 伯克利,他於1968年第一次表現了他的戲劇才華,他在康塔的基礎上,表演了舊約約拿的故事,這是倫敦交響樂團的首次音樂會,後來蘋果唱片發表。次年他開始任教於倫敦的聖三一音樂學院,他的其他作品還有蘋果發佈的《凱爾特安魂曲》等。

音樂4@@曲名:「The Lamb(1982)/ -3'14"CD-TK2

**作曲家:John Tavener

**演奏者:John Keys/管風琴,Andrew Angus/數字低音,Jeremy Backhouse指揮VasariSingers


**CD編號:7243 5 65903 2 8

**專輯名稱:「Twentieth Century Choral Music


OS5 Gorecki早年作曲風格激進,後轉而從中世紀和文藝復興的聖詠以及民間音樂中尋找靈感,風格更為通俗。GoreckiPart成為20世紀東歐音樂復興的最重要旗幟。他的第三交響曲最為著名。

音樂5@@曲名:「Totus Tuus,作品60(1987)/ -8'59"CD-TK17


**演奏者:John Keys/管風琴,Andrew Angus/數字低音,Jeremy Backhouse指揮VasariSingers


**CD編號:7243 5 65903 2 8

**專輯名稱:「Twentieth Century Choral Music



音樂6@@曲名:「永别Nunc dimittis」選自「Magnificat and Nunc dimittis(Colugium Regale)(1986)/ -2'30"CD-TK16

**作曲家:John Tavener

**演奏者:John Keys/管風琴,Andrew Angus/數字低音,Jeremy Backhouse指揮VasariSingers


**CD編號:7243 5 65903 2 8

**專輯名稱:「Twentieth Century Choral Music



Born at West Wickham, Greater London, England, Alan Ridout studied briefly at the Guildhall School of Music before commencing four years of study at the Royal College of Music, London with Herbert Howells and Gordon Jacob. He was later taught by Michael Tippett, Peter Fricker and (under a Dutch government scholarship) Henk Badings.

He went on to teach at the Royal College of Music, the University of Birmingham, the University of Cambridge, the University of London, and at The King's School, Canterbury. He also broadcast musical talks on the radio.

His works include church, orchestral and chamber music, much of it for children. His style is mostly tonal, though in younger life he wrote some microtonal works.

Alan Ridout worked regularly with the Leicestershire Schools Symphony Orchestra. Ridout's Three Pictures of Picasso, originally written for the National Youth Orchestra, was performed by the LSSO at a De Montfort Hall concert conducted by Rudolf Schwarz in 1964 in the presence of the composer. Ridout then composed his second symphony for the LSSO and dedicated it to Sir Michael Tippett to mark his 60th birthday (though Ridout did not hold Tippett in high regard). The symphony was first performed in 1965 and also featured in the television programme Overture with Beginners (see video link below). The 1967 Leicestershire Schools Music Festival included a number of LSSO commissions and in May that year Ridout’s dance drama Funeral Games for a Greek Warrior made its debut at De Montfort Hall. In July 1967 the LSSO made its first commercial disc for the Pye Golden Guinea label and Ridout responded to a request for a short work for inclusion on the disc by composing a lively Concertante Music. The work’s debut took place on a record rather than at a public concert. Concertante Music was then taken on the LSSO tour of Denmark and Germany in September 1967 (see external video link below).

Alan Ridout lived for much of his life in Canterbury. He died in Caen, France.

音樂7@@曲名:「Litany(1985)/ -13'49"CD-TK5

**作曲家:Alan Ridout

**演奏者:John Keys/管風琴,Andrew Angus/數字低音,Jeremy Backhouse指揮VasariSingers


**CD編號:7243 5 65903 2 8

**專輯名稱:「Twentieth Century Choral Music


