2014-09-17 14:46:08fkuujop

Gently open the cover of autumn

Enter autumn light, there will be the haze, near the mountains, green fields, the building will be silent city on grey white arms. It is autumn, July 7th, sweet and sad days, the lovers in the sky, to continue their dream together, also under the grape trellis low balderdash, hang a thousand years of tears, tomorrow will rain? To the beginning of autumn like charm woman, charming and elegant, mature not pan cute. Leaves and show her personality cheerful, swing in the branches, sings the love song be very worried about, looking forward to the wind's promise, go to rove all over the world. When love, my heart will always be some disappointed, perhaps on the autumn to retain, or to the future confused. I simply Yilan Yuan Wang, let your thoughts flow, to taste the love beautiful greed. Leaves spoony ah! Do you know where the wind cover and contain everything to you, but is a landscape of his journey in the. And you only attached to the trunk, ground into the mud, is your meaning!

Love, shows the "Luo Xia and the lone duck flying, sky" extraordinary, hope not to wear eye, also hope not to wear the intoxicated. In the end of season, watch the leaves flying things, hoping the next year, the blue lotus still gently Qiaoqiao bloom in the depths of red dust, nod her glittering on clear water, bath under shallow moonlight, the breeze floating smoke, light fog light around the Petal water, and flowers in leaf hundred years dream, dream in a vaguely evening singing or playing three overlapping separation. Autumn beauty, because mixed with tears of laughter, with joyous song, will have a quality suggestive of poetry or painting, the aesthetic charm! Beautiful summer, is still something more to say office furniture, autumn, has quietly come, with her unique charm has replaced the former in downtown, with her thick and heavy in colours to render this season amorous feelings. Who in the world, those who have proud youth capital of young men and women, will be continued China traditional Valentine's day tomorrow, they are happy, because now the space has no distance, some, only spiritual alienation. Autumn, because of the shallow depression just had her sad beauty, have how many Lu he leans back hate temporarily back westerly injury autumn mood, but also because of the passion with the brilliant colors, only the autumn moonlight night Xiao Sheng, million in Shuangtian static lonely quiet beauty. The flow of time, the years had covered with flowers, a wisp of scattered culturelle, lightly brushed people smile. Holding Yan with shy, gentle light wind and drizzling rain dance. The fall of heavy and elegant, I do not know how many men of literature and writing to prostrate oneself in worship, along with the ancient melody of ancient poetry!

A period of time, a section of memory, always with a very short sight, stubbornly to collect deep sunlight, and the sunlight every life a beautiful gesture, those on the spring and summer of news, with thick is solemnly collection. Crazy summer thoughts, a melancholy leisurely birth at the moment, feel the autumn shallow feelings in the calm, deep tipsy. As the early autumn, suddenly anxious, saddened voice evoke heart sorrow, hair transplant awakens the sleeping dream! In the snow in the winter, then a cold wind whistling night, doomed to prescribe mild bright. A wisp of autumn wind gorgeous nature's spectacular, sadness in the beautiful artistic conception in, disrupted the calm water of the mind. For the passage of the years, as new hair, sigh autumn cruel, life is short. The wind is still, just a touch of coolness, it through the hair of the ambiguous, let a person shudder, autumn, really, don't sleep early autumn grew, the wind blowing gently heavy desolate. Really want to, light a bay at the beginning of the cool season mood, light a "humble" fleeting, a autumn dew and habitat selection, draw me confused eyes!