2005-11-25 13:04:54雲妮
Anyone... Please......
Had a "new" pc now, but... ai......
Is there any computer expert can help me to deal with it? PLEASE~~~~
It can’t connect to the internet...
My instinct tell me that there must be something missing in my pc, but... I just can’t tell what’s that......
When I am looking at the pc, I just can’t stop myself from asking:
Am I too stupid...?
Or is it playing tricks on me??
ai...... Someone please give me a hand......~~~~~~~~~>0<
Lisanne勁不滿我o地之前俾佢o既subject review comments, 今日成朝都o係o度陰d陰d咁單單打打... cher, 咁你真係教得好有問題ar ma, 好心你認真檢討下la!
成朝都唔知佢o係o度講o左d乜, 又係九唔答八的, 我淨係覺得佢用李英愛著o酉成身LV o既相, 去帶出"有錢唔代表買到品味", 係比較精景之外, 其他o既例子都係貫徹佢"無厘頭"o既作風law......~________~"
另外ellice今日勁慘, so call subject lecturer o既gemma 竟然無通知ellice今日o既tutorial shift o左做lecture, lisanne又乜都唔知咁, 搞到ellice o係香港o個邊走o左過o黎. 仲要遇著大塞車, 令佢以為自己遲到, 然後打電話俾sick leave o左半日o既哥哥, 叫佢叫d同學仔等佢, 但... 大家o係o度上緊lecture law...... 哥哥send sms 俾我, 但我都唔知發生咩事, 於是我走o左去hd05 o個班, 睇下佢o地係咪要上ellice o既psycho, and then又問lisanne有無通知ellice shift o左時間, 佢又話乜都唔知, 跟住我走o左去office 搵vivien, 佢俾o左hkuspace queenie o既電話俾我, and then 叫佢同番ellice講, 叫佢唔駛過o黎QE.
最終... 因為ellice 無開電話, 所以佢都係o黎o左QE...... 唔知點解, 我覺得佢勁慘, 覺得好唔好意思, 於是同佢講番個new schedule. 唉... 原來佢真係唔知shift o酉d 時間, 因為gemma 唔o係香港, 又無通知ellice......
點解d"同事"可以咁無交帶ga...!?! 雖則話ellice係part-time請返o黎o者, 但咩都要講聲ga ma......
Is there any computer expert can help me to deal with it? PLEASE~~~~
It can’t connect to the internet...
My instinct tell me that there must be something missing in my pc, but... I just can’t tell what’s that......
When I am looking at the pc, I just can’t stop myself from asking:
Am I too stupid...?
Or is it playing tricks on me??
ai...... Someone please give me a hand......~~~~~~~~~>0<
Lisanne勁不滿我o地之前俾佢o既subject review comments, 今日成朝都o係o度陰d陰d咁單單打打... cher, 咁你真係教得好有問題ar ma, 好心你認真檢討下la!
成朝都唔知佢o係o度講o左d乜, 又係九唔答八的, 我淨係覺得佢用李英愛著o酉成身LV o既相, 去帶出"有錢唔代表買到品味", 係比較精景之外, 其他o既例子都係貫徹佢"無厘頭"o既作風law......~________~"
另外ellice今日勁慘, so call subject lecturer o既gemma 竟然無通知ellice今日o既tutorial shift o左做lecture, lisanne又乜都唔知咁, 搞到ellice o係香港o個邊走o左過o黎. 仲要遇著大塞車, 令佢以為自己遲到, 然後打電話俾sick leave o左半日o既哥哥, 叫佢叫d同學仔等佢, 但... 大家o係o度上緊lecture law...... 哥哥send sms 俾我, 但我都唔知發生咩事, 於是我走o左去hd05 o個班, 睇下佢o地係咪要上ellice o既psycho, and then又問lisanne有無通知ellice shift o左時間, 佢又話乜都唔知, 跟住我走o左去office 搵vivien, 佢俾o左hkuspace queenie o既電話俾我, and then 叫佢同番ellice講, 叫佢唔駛過o黎QE.
最終... 因為ellice 無開電話, 所以佢都係o黎o左QE...... 唔知點解, 我覺得佢勁慘, 覺得好唔好意思, 於是同佢講番個new schedule. 唉... 原來佢真係唔知shift o酉d 時間, 因為gemma 唔o係香港, 又無通知ellice......
點解d"同事"可以咁無交帶ga...!?! 雖則話ellice係part-time請返o黎o者, 但咩都要講聲ga ma......