2005-06-27 01:12:30雲妮
唔好意思, 睇到你xanga裡面o既PES, 感到十分之"精景", 忍唔住要copy 出o黎. 不便之處, 敬希見諒~! :p
"Fear & anxiety related to coming OBS & infant nursing exam as evidenced by inable to answer questions from past papaer & recall wht hv been memorized"
呢個PES真係...中的!! 我覺得除o左"fear & anxiety"之外, 仲可以話係"inability in coping"......=3="......
雖然拖o左成個禮拜, 不過講真, 我係溫得"超hea"ga law...
算la, 我都唔望今次GPA有3, 什至above mean. 唔fail就算la~!
點解唔可以速戰速決ga...!?! ~_________~
唉...I'm ready to die...~3~......
唔好意思, 睇到你xanga裡面o既PES, 感到十分之"精景", 忍唔住要copy 出o黎. 不便之處, 敬希見諒~! :p
"Fear & anxiety related to coming OBS & infant nursing exam as evidenced by inable to answer questions from past papaer & recall wht hv been memorized"
呢個PES真係...中的!! 我覺得除o左"fear & anxiety"之外, 仲可以話係"inability in coping"......=3="......
雖然拖o左成個禮拜, 不過講真, 我係溫得"超hea"ga law...
算la, 我都唔望今次GPA有3, 什至above mean. 唔fail就算la~!
點解唔可以速戰速決ga...!?! ~_________~
唉...I'm ready to die...~3~......