2007-11-23 14:01:43bobbychen


我和好友一同上二十一哩篮球比赛, 一路上我很感慨的想了很多, 想起了我这十多年来的篮球伙伴来了又走, 而今还坚持一起打球比赛的就只剩我们俩了! 最持久的革命情感! 只是我不禁在想我的坚持有顾及好友的感受吗? 这样对他真的好吗?
我也想起了天蓝问我为何如此热爱篮球, 很多事情都不是单一原因构成的.我想因为这是我的成功圈, 我可以在其中获得很多的成就感和满足感..
而这也是我惨绿少年时期最主要的交友的管道, 有太多的生命在其中交会, 间接或直接的茁壮了我. 而现在我这最后的一个战友就像是我和过去的唯一连结, 让我能不断的回首来时路的点点滴滴, 感动和失落!
只是我也不禁的问了自己, 当快乐越来越少, 妥协越来越多时, 我会如何的取舍. 而我其实也有了最好的答案, 我不需要也无法为别人的快乐或决定负责. 我只会为我自己和我在乎的人做最适合的决定. 而快乐是所有一切的前提! Peace!



bobbychen 2008-06-12 09:00:51

Thanks! brother, friendship make things meaningful...Im really happy teammate with you.. cheers...

freedom 2008-06-02 12:30:43

actually i also dont want to play at that time anymore,is all because of you,is you always encourage me to play,is i want always can beside you,can play happily with,no matter i play lousy o not,is you encourage me,let me confident.but i think this type of chance wont be always have liao!hope you know that i always beside you.that time play at 21mile,i really play very happy,although that place is very far for us,but i dont care,right!gambateh!!!

freedom 2008-06-02 12:30:00

actually i also dont want to play at that time anymore,is all because of you,is you always encourage me to play,is i want always can beside you,can play happily with,no matter i play lousy o not,is you encourage me,let me confident.but i think this type of chance wont be always have liao!hope you know that i always beside you.that time play at 21mile,i really play very happy,although that place is very far for us,but i dont care,right!gambateh!!!