2023-09-19 09:44:19多面向呈現


He was disabled in the accident. 



We were all shocked by the disaster. 



environmental disaster 環境災難

to be heading for disaster 走向災難


Is it easy to discern between fact and rumor? 辨明事實與謠傳容易嗎?


it was hard to discern her features 很難看清她的模樣


They discharged the cargo at Hong Kong. 他們在香港卸了貨。


Some factories in this locality still discharge waste water into the river. 這一地區有些工廠仍把廢水排入河中。


It takes years of discipline to become a pianist. 要成為鋼琴家需經多年訓練。











Self-Discipline: How to Be Disciplined in 15 Imperfect Steps





Don't let one failure discourage you. 不要因為一次失敗就洩氣。


We discouraged him from giving up the job. 我們勸他不要放棄那份工作。


The rain discouraged us from going out. 雨打消了我們外出的念頭。


She discredited his good name with ugly gossip. 她散布惡毒的流言蜚語,壞敗他的好名聲。


He brought discredit on the whole family. 他給毀壞全家的聲譽。


Is there racial discrimination in your country? 你們國家是否存在種族歧視?


the discrimination between right and wrong 是非的分辨


racial discrimination 種族歧視

positive discrimination 正面差別待遇



Her happy smile was only a disguise for her sadness. 她喜悅的微笑僅僅是為了掩飾她的憂傷。


She disguised herself as a man. 她將自己喬裝成男人。


You needn't disguise your feelings. 你不必隱瞞你的感情。


to disguise one's voice 偽裝聲音


He was filled with disgust at himself. 他憎惡自己。


The teacher was dismayed at the students' lack of response. 老師對學生的毫無反應感到沮喪。



  • disband
    (使)解散,散伙; 解體; 遣散;
  • dismiss
    解雇,把…免職; 遣散,解散(隊伍等); 駁回,拒絕受理; 擱置; 不予考慮;摒棄;
  • disbandment
  • dissolution
    溶解,融化; (社團等)解散; <;律>; 離婚; 腐朽,崩潰;
  • dissolve
    使溶解; 使(固態物)溶解為液體,使液化; 使消失,使消逝,消除; 使終止

The teacher dismissed the class on time. 教師按時下課。

He was dismissed from his job. 他被開除了。

the judge dismissed the case for lack of evidence. 法官因缺乏證據而拒不受理這宗案件。


He dispatched the job in three days' time. 他用三天時間迅速做完這一工作。


The sun soon dispelled the mist. 太陽不久就驅散了薄霧。

How can we dispel their doubts and fears? 我們怎能消除他們的疑慮與恐懼?


The government dispensed emergency food to the flood victims. 政府把應急食品發給水災受害者。

He dispenses equal justice to all. 他對所有人一律公平對待。



The police dispersed the crowd. 警察驅散了人群。


Television has displaced motion pictures as America's most popular form of entertainment. 電視取代了電影的地位,成了美國最為普遍的娛樂方式。


They spent quite some time on the disposal of furniture in their new house. 他們在新居的傢具布置上花了相當多的時間。


A huge supply of books is at your disposal in the library. 圖書館裡有大量的圖書任你學習使用。




disposable chopsticks 一次性筷子

disposable slippers 一次性拖鞋

disposable cup 一次性杯子


Does the room have disposable toiletries?



I didn't find disposable slippers in my room.




He has a very friendly disposition. 他性情友善。


The couple disputed where to spend the holiday. 夫妻倆為上哪兒度假而發生爭端。



He told us to disregard everything we'd learned so far and start again.



The heavy storm has disrupted telephone service. 暴風雨使電話中斷。


Anyone wishing to dissent from the motion should now raise their hand.



The twins had distinct tastes. 這兩個雙胞胎嗜好不同。


The two concepts are quite distinct (from each other).




He can distinguish a genuine antique from a reproduction. 他能區別真正的古董與複製品。


I can distinguish my roommates by their footsteps. 我能根據室友的腳步聲辨認出他們。


She distinguished herself as an African American lawyer. 她成了一位傑出的黑人律師。



Don't distract my attention. 不要分散我的注意力。


Noise distracted the writer from his work. 吵鬧聲使這位作者工作時注意力分散。


Her husband's death distressed her greatly. 她丈夫的去世使她很痛苦。



hey had distributed the lands among the peasants. 他們把土地分給農民。


To reduce waste and help those in need, this supermarket distributes surplus food items to local foodbanks.




a film distributor




Phone calls are the biggest disturbance at work.



I dissuaded him from rushing in to submit his resignation. 我勸他不要急急忙忙遞交辭職書。

You must dissuade him from doing a stupid thing like this. 你必須勸阻他不要做這麼愚蠢的事。










1. not, opposite 相反的,反對的

dislike (v.) (n.) 不喜歡

disable (v.) 使…失去作用

disabled (adj.) 殘廢的,有缺陷的

disappear (v.) 消失

disapprove (v.) 反對

disappoint (v.) 對某人或事物失望

discover (v.) 發現


*比較* discover vs. look vs. find

discover 是用來描述意外發現某事物,或是努力追尋真相後所得出的真理,例如哥倫布在西元 1492 年發現了新大陸,就會用 discover 來描述。

find out 是用來描述經過抽絲剝繭,才弄清楚事情來龍去脈的過程,例如義大利學者亞美利哥經過長時間的考察後,才弄清楚原來哥倫布發現的不是亞洲,而是美洲大陸。

look for 則是很單純地指搜尋某件事物,例如當時哥倫布奉西班牙王室之命,在新大陸搜尋黃金,就會用 look for 來形容。


Christopher Columbus, a renowned explorer, discovered the New World in 1492.

克里斯多夫哥倫布是位著名的探險家,他於西元 1492 年發現新大陸。


It took Amerigo four voyages to find out that the New World was not East Asia.



Actually, the sole purpose of Columbus’ expedition was to look for gold and treasure for the Spain Royalties.



disrespect (v.) 對…不敬

disclose (v.) 揭發。“dis” 是 “not” 的意思,再加上 close,使某事不要關閉,就是指揭發啦!

disagree (v.) 不同意

dispute (v.) 爭吵。“dis” 是 “opposite”,代表「相反」的意思,而 “pute” 則是指 “think”,代表「想法」的意思。兩人持相反的想法,自然就容易爭吵囉!


*比較* disagree vs. dispute vs. feud

disagree 是單純指兩方對某事有不同意見,是對事不對人的。例如茱麗葉的父親不同意茱麗葉嫁給羅密歐,便可以用 disagree 描述。

dispute 當動詞時可以指兩方相互爭吵,試圖將自己的立場合理化,已經有漸趨情緒化的趨勢。例如茱麗葉跟父親吵架,想要父親回心轉意,支持自己嫁給羅密歐。

dispute 當名詞時則是指「爭議、爭論」,表示各界都對某事有不同意見,認為此事是有待商榷的。例如羅密歐殉情的舉動到底是莽撞還是純情,各界持不同的看法,則可用 dispute 來描述,而不只是 disagree 而已。

feud 通常是指兩個家族之間的長期不和與仇恨。像是羅密歐所屬的蒙特鳩家族和茱麗葉所屬的凱普萊家族長期仇恨彼此,只要一見面就會大打出手,因此不會用 dispute,而是用 feud 來描述。



Juliet’s father strongly disagreed with Juliet’s decision of marrying Romeo.



Juliet disputed that love is more important than family hatred.



Romantic or reckless? Romeo’s suicide is still in dispute.



There’s a long-lasting feud between the House of Montague and the House of Capulet.



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2. separate, away 分離,離開

differ (v.) 使不同

disconnect (v.) 斷線,斷開連結

discourage (v.) 勸退。dis 是 “away” 的意思,而 courage 是指「勇氣」,因此 discourage 就是把某人對某事的勇氣拿走,也就是「勸退」啦!discourage 還可以指「使沮喪、使挫折」的意思,另外也可以跟 encourage 比較,「鼓勵」的相反詞就是「勸退」,「使沮喪、使挫折」囉!


My teacher discouraged me from being a teacher. He said it’s for my own good.



You shouldn’t let failure discourage you.



This failure is so discouraging!



distract (v.) 使分心

district (n.) 街區

distinct (adj.) 不同的,有分別的。介係詞記得要用 from。


Democracy is distinct from Populism.



distinguish (v.) 當介係詞用 from 時,代表「使獨特,使有分別」。當介係詞用 between 時,代表「分出兩者的差別」。


You have to distinguish yourself from others in order to get the job.



The lame judge can’t distinguish between right and wrong.



disband (v.) 解散。這個字很好背喔!dis 代表「分離」,而 band 代表「團體」,因此 disband 就是代表「解散」的意思囉!

discretion (n.) 這個字有二種意思。一是指「選擇或決定自己想要的事物」。二則是「謹慎」的意思。


Our boss left the work shifts to our discretion.



Viewer’s discretion is advised.



Discretion is the better part of valor.



disperse (v.) 驅離,例如驅離暴民。也可以指分配、分散的意思。

disburse (v.) 支付,支出

discard (v.) 丟棄。這個字也很好背,dis 代表「離開」,card 代表「牌」,而玩撲克牌時,你會想把手上的爛牌丟掉,因此 discard 就是「丟棄」的意思啦!同時也可以當作「棄牌」的意思喔!

distribute (v.) 分配,分派


*比較* distribute vs. attribute vs. contribute vs. tribute

distribute 的意思是將物資、傳單、報紙分配給大眾,或者將工作分派給員工。

attribute 當動詞時是指歸功於某事或某人。而當名詞時是指某人或某團體的個性、特質。

contribute 則是指貢獻。記得介係詞要加 to。

tribute 有二種意思,第一,可以指你對所尊敬的人表達的敬意,通常在頒獎典禮,葬禮等等。第二,可以指藩屬國對母國所進貢的錢財。

