2023-03-28 11:52:25多面向呈現

caution Signs

Categories of Safety Signs

There are government sectors monitoring and encouraging the use of caution and safety signs and symbols to warn people of the possible hazards that might happen. There are regulations that are implemented for the standardization of safety signs and symbols for them to be easily recognizable and understandable by the public. 

1. Prohibition Signs

These are the signs that prohibit an action to achieve safety. It should be used to convey the “do not” types of commands. Examples of prohibition signs are as follows:

·         No smoking

·         No blowing of horns

·         Do not touch

·         Do not use incomplete scaffolding

·         Do not distract the machine operator

·         Do not extinguish with water

·         Cameras prohibited

·         No entry

·         No parking

·         No pets allowed

2. Warning Signs

These are signs that give warnings of potential risks or a nearby danger. The required color for this type of safety sign is yellow background and black text or a pictogram indicating the type of hazard on the center of the sign. Examples of warning signs are as follows:

·         Highly flammable material

·         Existential threat

·         Macroscale quantum system

·         Nanoparticle hazard

·         Radio frequency energy

·         Overhead electriv power lines

·         Biological Hazard

·         Antimatter

·         Non-potable water

·         Danger of infection

3. Mandatory Signs

These signs require actions or activities that will contribute towards safety. These must be carried out in order to comply with statutory requirements. Examples of mandatory signs are as follows:

·         Keep this area litter free

·         Wear face shield

·         Protective footwear must be worn

·         Respirators must be worn

·         Eye protection must be worn

·         Protective gloves must be worn

·         Hard hats must be worn

·         Safety vest must be worn

·         Lift heavy objects correctly

·         Aisle must be kept clear

4. Safe Condition Signs

These signs usually suggest routes in case of emergency such as fire and earthquake. Moreover these signs also indicate emergency exits, first aid equipment, emergency showers, and other similar safety routes. Examples of these signs are the following:

·         Fire exit

·         Fire assembly point

·         First aid

·         Emergency shower

·         Emergency eye wash

·         Refuge point

·         Emergency stop

·         First aiders

·         Emergency exit

·         Emergency telephone

5. Exit Signs

To comply with statutory requirements, an exit sign must be placed every doorway or other exit providing access to a means of escape, other than exits in ordinary use. Exit signs are easily recognizable because there are usually no other terms that are in replacement for the word exit. Thus, these signs can be easily seen and understood.

6. Fire Fighting Equipment Signs

These are the signs that indicate the location of fire equipment to be used in case of fire and emergency and fire alarm activation points. The sign must be placed on areas that is clearly visible in case of emergency. Examples of fire fighting equipment signs are as follows:

·         Fire alarm call point

·         For use on live electrical equipment

·         Fire hose reel

·         Fire extinguisher

·         Fire blanket

·         Dry riser

·         Fire emergency telephone

·         Fire hydrant and hose reel

·         Fire alarm control panel

·         Fire axe

Common Signage Shapes

You must also note that the shape of a signage can also help to convey a message to the audience. Although the usage of particular shapes may vary by country and culture, there are common signage shape conventions which are as follows:

·         Rectangular signs – These are often used to convey general information to the public.

·         Circular signs – Most often, circular signs portray instructions that is either mandatory or prohibitive.

·         Triangular signs – Triangular signs are often used in a warning sign for danger or caution.

Pictogram Requirements

Pictograms, also known as pictographs, convey information through the use of graphics with resemblance to a physical object. It is required that any caution sign must contain a pictogram for an easy recognition. It must be recognizable across cultures and languages for it to be successful in conveying a message. It must contains features which are as follows:

1. Appropriate Colors

There are different colors to be used for different types of safety signs which can be summarized as follows:

·         Prohibition signs – The signs are usually circular in shape with a red lining, white background, and red crossbar.

·         Warning signs – These signs are usually triangular with black borders, yellow background, and black symbols or text.

·         Mandatory signs – They are usually circular with blue background and white symbols or text.

·         Safe condition signs – Usually in a rectangular form, these signs have green background with white symbols or text.

·         Fire equipment signs – These come in either rectangular or circular shape with red background and white symbols or text. 

·         Supplementary information signs – These are usually in rectangular shape that may be in green, yellow, or red background with white or black symbols or texts.

2. Simplicity

It is also encouraged that the pictogram must be simple and should only contain essential details. It does not need words to explain the meaning of the symbol; hence, it should be simple enough for it to be easily recognized. The message should be direct enough that even those who are in panic and in a rush can immediately understand what the picture is all about. 

3. Similar Graphics

There are really no standard graphics when it comes to safety signs. You can use similar graphics, either with more details or less details, as long as it conveys the same information and it is not misleading to the public.

4. Understandable

It is recommended that the dimensions and colorimetric and photometric features of the safety signs must be understandable enough in whatever culture and language. Although text can also be helpful, but a pictogram is preferred since there are language and cultural differences when a word is incorporated in the sign and there are also those who do not know how to read.

General Advice for Fire Safety

The most common safety and precautionary measures that almost every establishment is for the prevention of fire. Wih this, we will be discussing a short general advice for fire safety. Following fire risk assessment, if it is deemed necessary to provide any fire safety signs for a certain building, then they must comply with the appropriate colors as mandated by the law. 

Every country has its own law with regard to the color coding of safety signs so it is necessary that you must be aware of each of them. The above discussion for the colors of the different safety signs is the commonly used color by most of the countries. Signs that are only in text are not acceptable and therefore should no longer be used.

ANSI Z535 Definitions for Danger, Warning, Caution, and Notice

As per ANSI Z535.5, here are the definition of the terms danger, warning, caution, and notice.

1. Danger

Indicate[s] a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. The signal word “DANGER” is to be limited to the most extreme situations. DANGER [signs] should not be used for property damage hazards unless personal injury risk appropriate to these levels is also involved. Y

2. Warning

Indicate[s] a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. WARNING [signs] should not be used for property damage hazards unless personal injury risk appropriate to this level is also involved.

3. Caution

Indicate[s] a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. CAUTION [signs] without a safety alert symbol may be used to alert against unsafe practices that can result in property damage only.

4. Notice

[this header is] preferred to address practices not related to personal injury. The safety alert symbol shall not be used with this signal word. As an alternative to “NOTICE” the word “CAUTION” without the safety alert symbol may be used to indicate a message not related to personal injury.

Sum Up

Caution signs are important for safety purposes of the people. They warn people of possible hazards and serve as a reminder that extra care should be taken. The caution signs can be segregated into different categories which are as folows: prohibition signs, warning signs, mandatory signs, safe condition signs, exit signs, fire fighting equipment signs, and supplementary information signs. 

Caution signage also come in difference shapes: rectangular, circular, and triangular. Each shape entails different meaning and purpose. It is important that you are familiar with the shape and purpose of a caution for you to be aware of the message of the signage.

Lastly, you have to note that all signs should use graphic symbols or pictographs; a supplementary text is not a must. There are certain requirements for the features of pictograms which are as follows: appropriate colors, simplicity, the use of similar graphics, and understandable. 




UK  /ˈkɔː.ʃən/ US  /ˈkɑː.ʃən/

caution noun (CARE)


caution sticker小心屠夫

caution mark注意標志;小心標志

Label caution標簽

Caution Pedestrians注意行人

caution sign警告標志

caution zone警戒區

caution label警告標簽

with cautionad 慎重;留心

caution area危險區

caution against警告;告誡

Caution hanging謹慎掛









great care and attention


We need to proceed with/exercise caution (= be careful in taking action, making decisions, etc.)


They treated the story of his escape with (some/great/extreme) caution (= thought that it might not be true).


caution noun (WARNING)


[ C ] UK

a spoken warning given by a police officer or official to someone who has broken the law


As it was her first offence, she was only given a caution.




Just a word of caution - the cheaper models probably aren't worth buying.


caution noun (FOOTBALL) 

[ C ]

a punishment for breaking the rules in a football game in which the referee writes the player's name in a book and holds up a yellow card



booking (punishment)



verb [ T ]

UK  /ˈkɔː.ʃən/ US  /ˈkɑː.ʃən/

caution verb [T] (POLICE)



If the police caution someone, they give them an official warning.



C2 formal

to warn someone


The newspaper cautioned its readers against buying shares without getting good advice first.


caution verb [T] (FOOTBALL)


If a football referee cautions a player, he punishes them for breaking the rules by writing their name in a book and holding up a yellow card.



·         patience and caution are your advantages.


·         however, extreme caution must be observed in doing so as it could result in unexpected application behavior if not done properly.


·         television broadcasters were warned to exercise caution over depicting scenes of violence.


·         the emerging caution over numbers is perhaps only to be expected.


·         but years of observation of geochemistry have taught me that caution is wise, he says, "whether it be for the earlier claims on water or this latest work on chlorine isotopes.


·         only the worthy canadians – who benefit from american financial expertise and products but retain the thrift and caution appropriate to their chilly climate – are an exception to the general rule.


·         there was a note of caution for the treasury in the figures.


·         caution is needed, however.


·         their caution has been richly rewarded.


·         the italian did what generations of his managerial countrymen have done before him and opted for caution away from home.


·         caution has been one of mr allan's watchwords.


·         and when one of you falls down he falls for those behind him, a caution against the stumbling stone.


·         extreme caution should be exercised when buying part-worn tyres.


·         but such groups are also benefiting from the caution of those they are buying from.


·         caution in blasting is most important within the immediate vicinity of buildings and installations.


·         unfortunately, however, americanized versions of these ethnic foods tend to be much higher in fat and calories – so caution is needed.


·         caution i like in bankers – even boring.


·         i suggest you use caution with this one.


·         nevertheless, caution is needed.






UK  /ˈkɔː.ʃəs/ US  /ˈkɑː.ʃəs/



a. 小心的,謹慎的,細心的

·         careful

·         prudent

·         wary

·         ware

·         scrupulous

·         guarded

·         precautionary

·         watchful

·         vigilant

·         sleepless

·         wakeful

·         chary

·         alert

·         headful

·         circumspect

·         discreet

·         on guard



Someone who is cautious avoids risks.


He's a cautious driver.



A cautious action is careful, well considered, and sometimes slow or uncertain.


a cautious approach謹慎的方式

cautious criticism小心謹慎的批評

The old lady is very cautious with money. 那位老太太用錢很謹慎。

My nephew is a cautious investor. 我侄子是個小心謹慎的投資者。

·         you should be particularly cautious about drinking alcohol if you take methotrexate.


·         he was cautious of his footing, wary of the edge.


·         but cao said those who are considering getting a quick divorce should be cautious that the tactic does not backfire because the divorce might give an unhappy spouse a convenient exit.


·         he was even more cautious than ever, and did his utmost to win the trust and favour of the superior.

他更加謹小慎微, 兢兢業業, 以盡力取信討好其上司。

·         australia, put in to bat, made a cautious start.


·         being a cautious politician, however, he hedges his message with promises not to abolish all the rights of the bumiputra (sons of the soil), as his core malay constituency is called.


·         employers may become overly cautious about taking on new staff.


·         if there is a flaw, it is that he is too cautious in some of his conclusions, shying away from saying outright what his narrative implies.


·         having outlined all his research, ong points out, in an equally cautious tone, that it could also be that early puberty triggers obesity.


·         he is a cautious person, so whatever he does, he is not only discreet but careful as well.


·         people are more cautious because they know they can lose not just a friendship but a job.


·         after several days of cautious sniffing about at the cagedoor, she began to investigate the world outside.


·         his critics write him off as too cautious to succeed.


·         however, as the more cautious of them admit, that cannot be verified until the animal experiments are scaled up to proper, long-term human studies which can verify their hypothesis.


·         he was very cautious about committing himself to anything.


·         you should be cautious of these distractions, but allow yourself the occasional distraction to break up your day.


·         obviously, you should be cautious when modifying the existing configurations as they are shared by multiple components.


·         a degree of cautious optimism is justified.


·         to one degree or another, though, they said investors should be extremely cautious over the short term.


·         doctors are understandably cautious about this new treatment.






