2023-03-27 11:14:01多面向呈現



verb [ I or T ]

UK  /kəˈres/ US  /kəˈres/


to touch or kiss someone in a gentle and loving way


Gently he caressed her cheek.


n. 愛撫;擁抱;親吻[C]

She gave the child a loving caress. 她疼愛地撫摸著孩子。

vt. 愛撫;撫摸;撫抱

The mother caressed her baby lovingly. 母親疼愛地撫摸著嬰兒。

or caress each other on the back or hip as you fall asleep?






noun [ C ]

UK  /ˈkeəˌteɪ.kər/ US  /ˈkerˌteɪ.kɚ/

caretaker noun [C] (IN A BUILDING)



(US or Scottish English janitor); (US also custodian)

a person employed to take care of a large building, such as a school, and who deals with the cleaning, repairs, etc.


caretaker noun [C] (GIVES CARE)



(UK carer)

someone who takes care of a person who is young, old, or sick



dif. 臨時代理的

a caretaker government 看守政府

a caretaker manager 代理主教練



noun [ C or U ]

UK  /ˈkɑː.ɡəʊ/ US  /ˈkɑːr.ɡoʊ/

plural cargoes or cargos



the goods carried by a ship, aircraft, or other large vehicle


a cargo ship/plane


The ship was carrying a cargo of wood.


The ship can carry a cargo of 1,000 tons. 這船能載一千噸貨物。



cargo policy貨物保單

transit cargo van客貨車



cargo handling[] 貨物裝卸,貨物處理

air cargo空運貨物

cargo container[] 貨物集裝箱

cargo transportation insurance[保險] 貨物運輸保險;貨運保險

cargo capacity載貨容積;載貨能力

cargo clauses貨物保險條款

cargo ship[水運][] 貨船

general cargo一般貨物,普通貨物;雜貨

cargo hold[] 貨艙

Cargo hook貨鉤,吊貨鉤

cargo space貨艙;載貨空間

cargo plane運輸飛機,貨運飛機

Cargo Canvassing攬貨

heavy cargo特重貨物

cargo vessel貨輪;載貨船

Return cargo回頭貨;[] 回程貨

Bulk cargo散裝貨

container cargo集裝箱貨物;貨柜裝貨物

bulk cargo散裝貨

cargo insurance貨物保險

cargo receipt貨運收據

Cargo tank貨船;油艙

cargo agent貨運代理人;貨運商

Inducement cargo起運量貨物

cargo transport貨運;運貨船/

Homogeneous cargo同種貨物;均質貨物

Cargo superintendent貨物配載主管

cargo terminal貨物碼頭;貨運終點站;貨運樞紐









·         experts say the pirates are not interested in the cargo or the crew - they only want ransom money which can reach several million dollars per vessel.


·         they have transshipped the cargo into a river steamer.


·         the systems produce digital images of the contents of vehicles and cargo for analysis, enabling army personnel to search for weapons, explosives and other threats, saic officials said.


·         washington's backing allowed the airlines to expand into cargo and passenger service.


·         since 1982, mexican lorries entering america have been confined to a buffer zone along the border, where they must transfer their cargo to american lorries.


·         this is a ukrainian company that manufactures cargo and firefighting aircraft.






noun [ C ]

UK  /kɑːˈneɪ.ʃən/ US  /kɑːrˈneɪ.ʃən/


(a plant with) a small flower with a sweet smell, usually white, pink, or red in colour




Car  ni  val


UK  /ˈkɑː.nɪ.vəl/ US  /ˈkɑːr.nə.vəl/


B2 [ C or U ]

(a special occasion or period of) public enjoyment and entertainment involving wearing unusual clothes, dancing, and eating and drinking, usually held in the streets of a city


a Caribbean carnival


There's a real carnival atmosphere in the streets.



[ C ] US

(UK funfair)

a place of outside entertainment where there are machines for riding on and games that can be played for prizes



[ C ] US

(UK fete)

a public event, often held outside, where you can take part in competitions and buy small things and food, often organized to collect money for a particular purpose



Carnival Dream

Carnival Dream is a Dream class cruise ship. At 128,000 tons, she was the largest ship yet built for the Carnival Cruise Line

Carnival masks狂歡節面具

World Carnival環球嘉年華

carnival parade狂歡節隊伍

Winter CarnivalWinter Carnival is a 1939 film. It recorded a loss of $33,696.

Cologne CarnivalThe Dreigestirn, 2005 (virgin, prince and farmer)

Venice Carnival威尼斯狂歡節


Carnival Land嘉年華游樂場






The 8 best Carnival celebrations in the world

14 February 2023



Carnival is a major tradition in numerous regions and diverse cultures all over the world. People dress up, there are parades and parties, food and drinks abound, and of course, plenty of promiscuity. Do you know where this thrilling and historic custom comes from? The Carnival festival has been part of humanity’s folklore for centuries.


It turns out that different ancient civilizations (dating back several thousand years) have their own origins for Carnival. The ancient Greeks celebrated the god Momo during this time of year, the deity of poets and writers. Momo was a cheerful and humorous spirit who mocked everything, even other deities. The Romans, on the other hand, dedicated a yearly party to celebrate Dionysius, the god of wine and mirth. For the Sumerians, it was important to expel the evil spirits from the crops with a great feast. Meanwhile, the Egyptians consecrated these days to Apis, the god associated with fertility.


No matter the origin, there’s no doubt about Carnival’s ability to create exciting and unforgettable experiences for everyone. Carnival season brings lights, parades, and decadent rituals that turn everyday norms upside down. This time of year is special because it’s considered a rite of passage from darkness to light, from winter to summer (in the northern hemisphere, at least).


Here at Civitatis, we’ve traveled the world and come up with a list of the 8 most lively, exciting, colorful, and exhilarating Carnival traditions. So get your best costume ready and get ready for a few days of pure joy. Here are the world’s very best Carnival celebrations:


Mardi Gras in New Orleans

Pessoas fantasiadas com máscaras e chapéus em um carro alegórico que transita por uma rua cheia de gente

Floats at the Mardi Gras Carnival celebration in New Orleans

Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday, has its roots in 17th and 18th-century European traditions within the House of Bourbon. Carnival used to be a party for the privileged few, but today it’s a merry-go-round of people of all ages who take to the streets in increasing numbers. As for the outfits, anything goes! Don’t be shy when it comes to sporting the most obscure and peculiar Carnival costume. You’ll also need to take a backpack to carry everything, including the beads and cups that are thrown from the extravagantly decorated floats passing by in the New Orleans parade.


Venice Carnevale (Italy)

Pessoas fantasiadas passeando em barcos que transitam por um canal de Veneza enquanto o céu está cheio de bexigas

Carnival Celebration in the canals of Venice

A golden veteran on this list, Venice’s Carnival is said to have originated in the 12th century. If you want to know more about its history, you can’t miss out on this fascinating tour of its origins. In nearly 900 years, the festivities of the Venice Carnival have evolved quite a bit, but the tradition of wearing masks remains a central component and has become part of other Carnival celebrations all around the world. Even if you travel to Venice at a different time of year, you can learn how to make these traditional masks in a Venetian mask workshop.


But if you’re lucky enough to visit Venice during Carnival season, you’ll be able to choose from a variety of masks, such as the Bauta, the Colombina, or the Medico della Peste (plague doctor). Then you can take to the streets and canals for a unique Venice experience. If you prefer something more exclusive, don’t miss this Carnival party at the Venetian Galleon. You’ll understand why this is considered one of the best Carnivals in the world!


Tenerife Carnaval (Canary Islands, Spain)

Mulheres fantasiadas dançando no carnaval de Tenerife

Extravagant Carnival parade in Tenerife

Tenerife hosts numerous festivals all year round, but none of them come close to its famous Carnival celebration, which is considered the second most popular Carnival party in the world after Rio de Janeiro. The Santa Cruz de Tenerife Carnival has filled the streets with explosions of joy and showers of color for several centuries. The city becomes one big, rainbow party for 15 days of pure extravagance, including a gala party to choose the Carnival queen, costumes, marches, and bohemian parades. In a break from partying while you’re in Tenerife, make sure to try the local Canarian food!


Cologne Karneval (Germany)

Pessoas com máscaras e lenços e roupas azuis desfilando nas ruas de Colônia

Costumed Carnival-goers in Cologne

Cologne’s Carnival season (affectionately called the “fifth season”) officially begins earlier than most. The main events happen in February. The party begins with the Women’s Carnaval, when locals wear party clothes to work, followed by masquerade balls and festivities in the evening that last well into the night.


The Carnival festival is more exciting on the weekends, reaching its peak during the Monday of Roses parade (also known as Carnival Monday). The parade through Südstadt, the southern part of Cologne, features a variety of floats made from objects such as boxes of chocolates and candies that are sure a crowd-pleaser.


Rio de Janeiro Carnaval (Brazil)

Mulher negra usando uma fantasia de carnaval de pedras prateadas dançando no desfile de carnaval do Rio de Janeiro

Sambista dancing in the Rio de Janeiro Carnival parade

The most famous Carnival celebration in the world dates back to 1723 and attracts more than two million people each day of the festivities. More than 200 blocos, or groups of performers, take to the streets of Rio during the day, and the festivities last all night, even until the following morning or into the next day. Check out this ticket to see the Carnival parade from a privileged vantage point in the Sambadrome of Marquês de Sapucaí, a once-in-a-lifetime experience.


In Rio, during Carnival and also throughout the whole year, you can visit a samba school rehearsal or take a backstage Carnival tour to discover all the secrets of this legendary Brazilian tradition.


Oruro Carnaval (Bolivia)

Pessoas usando máscaras de demônio no desfile de carnaval de Oruro

A parade full of tradition and symbolism in Oruro, Bolivia

What was once an indigenous celebration is now a festivity with a strong connection to religious symbolism in the form of Pachamama (Mother Earth) and Uncle Supay (God of the underworld). These two icons guide the festival, which features the ritual known as the “dance of the demons“, La Diablada, which represents the triumph of good over evil.


With thematic parades depicting the characters from a wide variety of folk myths and legends, Oruro’s Carnival celebration is one that definitely manages to turn normality on its head. While visiting the city, we recommend a visit to the National Anthropological Museum to learn the ins and outs of this ancient festival.


Binche Carnaval (Belgium)

Pessoas usando fantasias de carnaval compostas por roupas coloridas e enormes chapéus de penas

The Gilles’ very singular and intricate Carnival costumes

In 2003, UNESCO proclaimed Binche’s carnival celebration a “Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity,” a testament to its unique character. It’s true that Belgium hosts several different Carnival celebrations during the same period, but the one in Binche stands out with its extravagant performers (known as Gilles), events where they throw oranges (a sign of good luck), and other slightly strange practices.


There is disagreement about the origin of this carnival celebration. One of the most popular theories says that one of the 14th-century Gilles was of Inca descent (a flattering but improbable theory) and wore a costume whose exotic appearance gained popularity among the locals. This might explain the huge feathered hats worn by today’s Gilles… or not.


Nice Carnaval (France)


A very nice Carnival celebration, indeed!

With six carnival parades, 17 floats, and thousands of dancers and musicians from all over the world – the Nice Carnival celebration is a lively and vibrant festival full of tradition. No wonder it’s considered one of the best in Europe! Be sure to see the Flower Battle (Bataille de Fleurs) while you’re there! This elegant parade brings countless flower-covered caravans through the streets, an enchanting sight for onlookers. They say that those who catch the bouquets will have a lucky year!



·         20 of the World’s Best Carnivals!

20 of the World’s Best Carnivals!

Everyone knows Rio Carnival but here are some of the other best places around the world where you can celebrate carnival.

Carnival or Carnaval is a global sensation that is celebrated in over 50 countries around the world. Every carnival city has its own unique traditions and way of celebrating. Here is a list of some of the biggest and best carnivals from around the world.

If you want to know: where was the origin of carnival?what is the history of carnival?, what is the carnival definition?, or where is carnival celebrated?, you can enter the link and find out all about carnival.

Here are the world’s best carnivals:

The Carnival of Venice, Italy


Where is Venice Carnival?

Venice, Italy.

What is carnival in Venice?

Nowhere celebrates carnival quite like Venice. This is the most extravagant and elegant carnival in the world. The carnival is famous for its revellers wearing traditional 18th century masks and costumes. Wearing masks dates to the 13th century when people would disguise themselves to hide their social class and engage in some debauchery.

Venice provides the most majestic backdrop for the costumes and masks that fill the city’s streets and alleyways. Venice Carnival is also famous for its luxurious masquerade balls and parties that are held during carnival.  Venice Carnival runs for 20 days but it is the last two weeks when most of the festivities occur. It is a must-see event that attracts millions every year.

Find out more: Read Our Essential Guide to the Venice Carnival

Rio de Janeiro Carnival, Brazil


Where is Rio Carnival?

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

What is carnival in Rio?

Rio de Janeiro Carnival is the mother of all carnivals! It is a pre-Lenten celebration that is attended by over five million people making it the biggest carnival in the world. The carnival is famous for its Samba Parades that feature 20-meter floats and thousands of performers.

Besides the samba parade Rio is famous for its crazy street parties. Over five hundred street parties take place across the city of Rio during carnival, some are attended by a few hundred and some are attended by millions.

Find out more: Read our Essential Guide to Rio de Janeiro Carnival

The Carnival of Viareggio, Italy


Where is the carnival of Viareggio?

Viareggio, Italy.

What is carnival in Italy?

This carnival celebration held in the Tuscan city of Viareggio is one of the most renowned carnivals in both Italy and Europe. Held annually for a month before the onset of lent. Carnevale di Viareggio attracts millions of spectators who come to view its amazing parades that feature incredible floats.

Find out more: Read our essential guide to Viareggio Carnival

New Orleans Mardi Gras, USA


Where is the New Orleans Mardi Gras?

New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

What is carnival in New Orleans?

Well carnival in New Orleans goes under a different name which is Mardi Gras.

What is Mardi Gras?

Mardi Gras is Latin for Shrove Tuesday or Fat Tuesday as some call it, this is the day before Lent. Mardi Gras in New Orleans is also a pre-Lenten celebration that dates to when Louisiana was a French colony.

New Orleans Mardi Gras features numerous paradescostumed revellers and lots of merrymaking. Mardi Gras is known for the float riders throwing gifts to the crowd’s colourful plastic beads which you will see everyone wear around their neck on Mardi Gras day.

Mardi Gras is more than one day of celebration as in fact a whole carnival season that begins on the 6th January and continues to get bigger and bigger culminating in the big parades and parties on Mardi Gras day.

Find out more: Read our Guide to the New Orleans Mardi Gras

Trinidad and Tobago Carnival


Where is the Trinidad and Tobago held?

Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.

What is carnival in Trinidad and Tobago?

Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago is a colourful, vibrant and lively celebration. It takes place the Monday and Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. It is without a doubt the best Caribbean carnival in the world. Numerous carnivals around the world modelled their carnival celebrations after those seen at Trinidad and Tobago including Notting Hill.

Trinidad and Tobago Carnival are famous for its colourful costumed band parades, wild rum-soaked parties and Caribbean musicSoca, Calypso and steel bands are to Trinidad Carnival what Samba is to Rio Carnival. This is the most anticipated event of the year on the island and there is a Trinidadian saying that the locals never stop thinking about carnival.

Find out more: Read our Essential Guide to the Trinidad and Tobago Carnival

Notting Hill Carnival, UK


Where is the Notting Hill Carnival held?

Notting Hill, West London, UK.

What is carnival in London?

The Notting Hill Carnival is held annually at the end of summer in the trendy west London neighbourhood of Notting HillThe Notting Hill Carnival is officially Europe’s biggest street party with an attendance of two million people. Notting Hill was created in the sixties to celebrate and represent London’s multicultural population.

For an entire weekend the Caribbean is transported to London. Modelled after the Trinidad Carnival, Notting Hill features colourful street parades and parties, stunning colourful costumes, large sound systems pumping out the calypso, soca, reggae and dancehall tunes. There is delicious mouth-watering Caribbean cuisine, the rum flows freely and people drink and dance the day away.

Find out more: Read our Essential Guide to the Notting Hill Carnival

Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain


Where is the Santa Cruz de Tenerife Carnival held?

Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.

What is carnival in Santa Cruz de Tenerife?

The Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife is a pre-Lenten festival held in the Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the capital of the Canary Islands. It claims to be the second largest carnival after Rio and while this may be debatable it does attract hundreds of thousands every year.  The carnival is known for its crowded 24/7 street parties that fill all the streets and squares of the city.

It also has parades, free concerts, dances, competitions and fireworks. People hit the streets wearing extravagant colourful carnival costumes. There are performances from over 100 traditional musical groups which include murgas, comparsas and rondallasCarnival closes with setting fire to a giant sardine.

Find out more:Read our Guide to the Santa Cruz de Tenerife Carnival

Quebec Winter Carnival, Canada


Where is the Quebec Winter Carnival held?

Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.

What is carnival in Quebec?

The Quebec Winter Carnival is different to most because it happens smack bang in the middle of winter. It is one of the biggest carnivals in the world with over a million people attending every year. It features dog-sled racing, snow sculptures, snow baths, sleigh rides, balls, ice skating and night time winter parades.

This carnival gives the locals a reason to stop hibernating and just get outside and embrace the cold weather and drink a Caribou. A giant snowman is the mascot who lives in a five-story ice castle that gets remade every year for carnival.

Find out more:  Read our essential Guide to the Quebec Winter Carnival

Oruro Carnival, Bolivia


Where is the Oruro Carnival held?

Oruro, Bolivia.

What is carnival in Bolivia?

Oruro Carnival is Bolivia’s biggest tourist attraction! This has also been recognised by UNESCO as ‘Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity’. This carnival is an indigenous celebration that is about honouring Pachamama (mother earth) and Tio Supay (the God of the underworld).

Carnival features a procession that lasts over 20 hours! Thousands of performers, dancers and musicians wearing gorgeous traditional folkloric costumes put on a massive theatrical parade. The parade tells the story of good triumphing over evil. It features the ritual La Diablada or the famous dance of the devils.

Find out more: Read our essential guide to the Oruro Carnival 

Crop Over, Barbados


They say there are four official seasons in the Caribbean: cricket, carnival, crop over and Christmas! What is crop over? Well Crop Over is the most culturally significant festival of Barbados. For the Bajans, this 300 year old tradition hallmarked the end of the sugar cane growing season. Crop Over is a celebration of Barbados heritage, culture, music, dance, food and art. It is about embracing and celebrating life!

Crop Over, being the premier event of the year in Barbados, attracts over 100k people from all over the world! The sense of unity and overarching themes of freedom is what attracts people far and wide, who come to witness the signs and sounds of Barbados in full swing! The carnival festival even has its own megastar ambassador Rihanna who joins the colourful mases celebrating crop over.

Find out more: Read our Essential Guide to the Crop Over Barbados

Nice Carnival, France


Where is Nice Carnival held?

Nice, France.

What is carnival in Nice?

Nice Carnival is a pre-Lenten festival that runs for two weeks prior to Ash Wednesday. Nice Carnival is the largest carnival in France and attracts millions from all over the world.

Nice Carnival features 11 different parades with thousands of dancers and musicians. Nice Carnival is famous for its Flower Parade that sees over 100,000 flowers thrown from the floats to the crowds.

Find out more: Read our Essential Guide to Nice Carnival

Junkanoo, Bahamas


The Bahamas Junkanoo is held in Nassau, Bahamas. Junkanoo is an exciting four-day carnival celebration that showcases Bahamian culture and traditions.

It attracts visitors from all over the world who descend on the Bahamas to have a great time and get immersed in the Bahamian Culture.The reason it’s so revered is because Junkanoo is the ultimate celebration of everything Bahamian.

Junkanoo is the absolute heart and soul of Bahamian culture. In fact Junkanoo is the only part of Bahamian society that is uniquely Bahamian. Junkanoo in the Bahamas is all about enjoying life and embracing your heritage with dancing, music, and joy.

For Bahamian people Junkanoo is more than just a parade. The absolute essence of Junkanoo is about joy and happiness. It’s a representation of the people and their culture, music and food that makes the Bahamas such a special place.

Find out more: Read our essential guide to Junkanoo

Mazatlán Carnival, Mexico


Where is the Mazatlán Carnival?

Mazatlán, Mexico.

What is Mazatlán Carnival?

Mazatlán Carnival in Mexico claims to be the 3rd largest carnival in the world. It is a pre-Lenten carnival that occurs for the 5-days prior to lent and attracts millions from all over Mexico. An old saying is that “in Mazatlán, time is measured by Carnival” which highlights how carnival is the most anticipated event of the year in Mazatlán.

There is no other carnival in the world that celebrates like Mazatlán. Their carnival celebrations are incredibly unique. The carnival is famous for featuring an abundance of brass bands that line the Mazatlán oceanfront boardwalk. The carnival also features lots of colourful parades and an incredible firework display.

Find out more: Read our essential guide to the Mazatlán Carnival

Salvador Carnival, Brazil


Where is carnival in Salvador?

Salvador de Bahia, Brazil.

What is carnival in Salvador?

Salvador Carnival is the second biggest carnival in Brazil. It is different from the Rio Carnival because there are no samba parades. Instead Salvador Carnival is all about the blocos. Salvador Carnival is officially in the Guinness Book of Record for officially being the world’s largest party. Over 2 million people flock to Salvador de Bahia for one week of partying.

Salvador de Bahia is also the heart of Brazil’s Afro-Brazilian community. Nowhere else in the world has the African culture brought over by the slaves, been as preserved as it has been in Salvador. Afro-Brazilian music, food, dance, religion and martial arts traditions are still alive and well.

Often people call Salvador Carnival the “real carnival.” The reason people say this is because Salvador de Bahia’s large Afro-Brazilian community with their strong roots to African culture and traditions, gives Salvador Carnival a more authentic African flavour. Afro-Brazilian music, dance and folklore are on display during carnival.

Find out more: Read our essential guide to the Salvador Carnival

Fasnacht in Basel, Switzerland


Where is Basel Fasnacht held?

Basel, Switzerland.

What is carnival in Switzerland?

Carnival in Switzerland is known as Fasnacht which is celebrated all over the country. However, the largest and most popular celebration occurs in the city of Basel. Basel Fasnacht has been recognised by UNESCO as being a ‘Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity’.

This carnival lasts exactly 72 hours in what the locals call the three best days of the year. Basel Fasnacht will transport you to another world. It features many traditions and customs that are centuries old. You will hear traditional music, see 20,000 traditional folkloric masked costumers parading around the town. There is also a beautiful lantern festival that lights up the city streets.

Find out more:Read our essential Guide to the Basel Fasnacht

Barranquilla Carnival, Colombia


Where is the Barranquilla Carnival held?

Barranquilla, Colombia.

What is carnival in Colombia?

While not too many people have heard of Barranquilla Carnival it is in fact Colombia’s most important carnival celebration. It is also one of the largest carnivals in the world, attended by millions.

It is a pre-Lenten carnival that runs for four days prior to Ash Wednesday, considered a must-see event. Carnival features amazing costumed parades, street parties and a mix of Caribbean and Latin music.

Find out more: Read our essential guide to the Barranquilla Carnival 

Mazatlán Carnival, Mexico


Where is the Mazatlán Carnival?

Mazatlán, Mexico.

What is Mazatlán Carnival?

Mazatlán Carnival in Mexico claims to be the 3rd largest carnival in the world. It is a pre-Lenten carnival that occurs for the 5-days prior to lent and attracts millions from all over Mexico. An old saying is that “in Mazatlán, time is measured by Carnival” which highlights how carnival is the most anticipated event of the year in Mazatlán.

There is no other carnival in the world that celebrates like Mazatlán. Their carnival celebrations are incredibly unique. The carnival is famous for featuring an abundance of brass bands that line the Mazatlán oceanfront boardwalk. The carnival also features lots of colourful parades and an incredible firework display.

Find out more: Read our essential guide to the Mazatlán Carnival

Salvador Carnival, Brazil


Where is carnival in Salvador?

Salvador de Bahia, Brazil.

What is carnival in Salvador?

Salvador Carnival is the second biggest carnival in Brazil. It is different from the Rio Carnival because there are no samba parades. Instead Salvador Carnival is all about the blocos. Salvador Carnival is officially in the Guinness Book of Record for officially being the world’s largest party. Over 2 million people flock to Salvador de Bahia for one week of partying.

Salvador de Bahia is also the heart of Brazil’s Afro-Brazilian community. Nowhere else in the world has the African culture brought over by the slaves, been as preserved as it has been in Salvador. Afro-Brazilian music, food, dance, religion and martial arts traditions are still alive and well.

Often people call Salvador Carnival the “real carnival.” The reason people say this is because Salvador de Bahia’s large Afro-Brazilian community with their strong roots to African culture and traditions, gives Salvador Carnival a more authentic African flavour. Afro-Brazilian music, dance and folklore are on display during carnival.

Find out more: Read our essential guide to the Salvador Carnival

Rijeka Carnival, Croatia


Where is Rijeka Carnival held?

Rijeka, Croatia.

What is carnival in Croatia?

Rijeka Carnival is Croatia’s biggest carnival. Carnival season here runs for about a month filled with lots of parades, parties and music concerts. The carnival culminates in a Grand Parade that occurs on the Sunday preceding Ash WednesdayThe Grand Parade usually attracts around 100,000 spectators and is a colourful and lively procession.

It is the biggest carnival celebration in Croatia, and for centuries, carnival in Rijeka was famous for throughout Europe more than any other Croatian City, and its celebrations were attended by royalty and socialites from all over Europe including Russian Royalty, Austrian and Hungarian aristocrats and numerous earls and countesses.

Find out more: Read our essential guide to the Rijeka Carnival

Ivrea Carnival, Italy


Where is Ivrea Carnival?

Ivrea, Italy.

What is carnival in Ivrea?

Ivrea Carnival is also known as the Battle of the Oranges. This is Italy’s biggest food fight that sees the town people divide into nine teams consisting of 4000 people. For three days these participants throw 500,000 kilos of oranges at each other, as hard as one possible can.

The Ivrea Carnival re-enacts the towns freedom from an evil tyrant who was murdered back in the 12th century. Around 100,000 tourists come to celebrate carnival in this medieval town. Carnival occurs for the three days prior to Ash Wednesday.

Find out more: Read our Essential Guide to the Ivrea Carnival

Recife and Olinda, Brazil


Where is carnival in Recife and Olinda held?

Recife and Olinda, Brazil.

What is carnival in Brazil?

While Recife and Olinda are two separate carnivals in Brazil, they are often lumped together because the two towns only sit 7kms away from each other. Most people will switch back and forward between the two carnivals.

These two carnivals combined become the third largest in Brazil attracting millions. It is said to be one of the most authentic Brazilian carnivals because they feature many folkloric traditions that were influenced from the Native Brazilian IndiansRecife is also famous for hosting the largest carnival parade in the world, with over 2 million participants joining in.

Find out more: Read our essential guide to the Recife and Olinda Carnival

Berlin Carnival of Cultures, Germany


Where is the Berlin Carnival of Cultures?

Berlin, German.

What is carnival in Berlin?

Carnival of Cultures held every summer in Berlin, Germany is all about celebrating diversity and unity. It originally started to protest xenophobia in 1996 and continued to grow every year. Today around one million people come out to celebrate.

Carnival of Cultures features thousands of participants from all over the world showing off their cultures in a huge procession. There are also over 100 live music shows from DJs, bands and artists. There is also many street vendors and market stalls selling delicious food, arts and crafts.

Find out more: Read our essential guide to the Berlin Carnival of Cultures

Sydney Mardi Gras


Where is the Sydney Mardi Gras held?

Sydney, Australia

What is carnival in Australia?

Set in beautiful Sydney, the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras is the biggest LGBTQI celebration in the world. The Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras is an annual celebration of love that knows no bounds, an LGBTQI rights protest and celebration of sexuality.

The Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras is a fabulous LGBTQIA+ celebration that spans 17 days. The Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras has 500,000 people from all over the world, flocking to be part of this glittering celebration that brings Sydney to a standstill every year. Mardi Gras is a big tourist draw for Sydney contributing millions to the local economy.

Find out more: Read our Essential Guide to the Sydney Mardi Gras 

Sitges Carnival, Spain




Where is the Sitges Carnival held?

Sitges, Spain.

What is carnival in Spain?

The Sitges Carnival is one of the biggest carnivals in Europe with more than 300,000 people visiting every year. It is known for its wild street parties as well as being one of the most gay friendly carnivals in the world.

Sitges Carnival is the last change before the onset of Lent to give in to all temptations, you can let your hair down, dress up and get your freak on. Sitges truly is one of the most perfect places to get wild, gluttonous and join the party.

Sitges is famous for its tolerance so everyone is welcome to join the party. Four days prior to the official Sitges Carnival Celebrations there is even a Gay Pride Parade where the streets are filled with colour, music and dance.

Find out more: Read our essential guide to the Sitges Carnival


