2023-03-04 21:59:12多面向呈現




1. 衝浪 Surfing

Surfing is a popular water sport that requires a surfboard and suitable ocean waves near the shore, which is why weather is an important factor for surfers to consider when they’re at sea. 


People commonly stand and try to balance themselves on surfboards while catching a tide, but there are actually many different types of surfing. 


Lying face-down on the surfboard is called bodyboarding and riding the wakes of a boat is called wakesurfing.




2. 浮潛 (淺) Snorkeling  

Snorkeling is an interesting activity that only requires simple equipment such as a diving mask and flippers.


This common water activity is family-friendly as children and adults can enjoy underwater life without needing to carry heavy gears.


Some snorkeling sites require tourists to put on inflation vests for safety concerns.




3. 潛水 (深) Scuba diving

Scuba divers have to wear wet suits as the deep waters of the ocean can reach a very low temperature.


Always remember to check your oxygen tank every now and then to make sure you have enough oxygen.


There are high chances of exploring mysterious underwater caves and finding hundred year old shipwrecks.




4. 划獨木舟 Canoeing/Kayaking

Canoeing and kayaking both mean the same in Chinese, but they are actually different in various ways.

Canoeing 跟 Kayaking 在中文裡面都是划獨木舟,但他們其實在許多方面是不一樣的。

Canoes provide more room to store equipment, an open cockpit for easy entrance, and are maneuvered with a double-bladed paddle.

Canoes 提供更多空間儲存裝備、擁有一個好進入的開放式艇面以及透過雙葉槳來驅動的獨木舟。

Kayaks, on the other hand, are much smaller compared to canoes which decreases their stability. 

而另一方面,Kayaks 相較 Canoes 整體體積上小很多,也因此降低了它的穩定度。

It’s much harder to get in and out of kayak and they are maneuvered with a single-bladed paddle.

Kayak 在出入上困難許多,而且是透過單頁槳來驅動的獨木舟。



5. 立式划槳 Stand up paddling

Stand up paddling has grown in terms of popularity within these 5 years.


Although SUP seems like a simple water activity, it requires strong core muscles to maintain momentum.


You can take small strokes with your paddle while enjoying the magnificent sea view.




6. 水上摩托車 Personal watercraft (PWC)

Almost all PWCs are designed to carry two to three people.

幾乎所有的水上摩托車都是設計成可以乘載 2-3 人的。

The highest speed of customized PWC models can reach up to 70 mph.

客製化水上摩托車的最高時速可以達到每小時 70 英里。

Riding a PWC is like driving a sports car but on the sea.



7. 滑水 Wakeboarding/Water ski

Wakeboarding and water skiing are basically the same thing, so it depends on whether you prefer having two feet on one board or on skis.


Riders are towed by a rope behind a motor boat through the sea, but it is also possible to wakeboard in flooded car parks while being towed by a car.


Professional athletes can perform incredible stunts such as a 180° spin and a tail grab. 

專業的運動員可以做出 180 度翻轉和抓尾等特技。



8. 賞鯨 Whale watching

Whale watching is the most effortless water activity out of the other 7 choices, as all you need to do is to try and search for whales while you’re on a boat.


In Taiwan, the best months to go whale watching is from April till the end of October.


It’s breathtaking to see such gigantic sea creatures rise up to the surface to take a long deep breath and dive back into the vast ocean.




好啦!以上就是關於 8 種海邊可以進行的水上活動,




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Cava diving



"Bazaar" and "market" are both terms used to describe places where goods are sold. However, there are some differences between the two.

A bazaar typically refers to a marketplace in the Middle East, South Asia, or North Africa, where vendors sell a variety of goods such as spices, textiles, jewelry, and handicrafts. Bazaars are often outdoor markets with narrow alleys and a bustling atmosphere.

On the other hand, a market is a general term for a place where goods are bought and sold, and can refer to a wide variety of different types of markets, such as food markets, flea markets, or farmers' markets. Markets can be indoor or outdoor, and can be found in many different cultures and countries.

Overall, the main difference between a bazaar and a market is that a bazaar is typically associated with a specific region or culture, while a market is a more general term that can be applied to many different types of trading places.

Department stores and malls are both large retail spaces where consumers can shop for a variety of products. However, there are some key differences between the two:

  1. Size and Layout: Malls tend to be larger and have a more open layout, with multiple levels and an indoor or outdoor design. Department stores are generally smaller and more enclosed, with several floors but less open space.

  2. Types of Stores: While malls may have a mix of stores, restaurants, and entertainment options, department stores typically only have their own branded products or those of specific brands. Department stores may also include a few smaller stores or service providers within their space.

  3. Variety of Products: Malls tend to have a wider variety of products available, with stores that specialize in clothing, electronics, home goods, and more. Department stores generally focus on a narrower range of products, such as clothing, beauty and cosmetics, and home furnishings.

  4. Shopping Experience: Malls are often designed to be a destination where people can spend the day shopping, eating, and socializing. They may have additional amenities such as movie theaters, indoor playgrounds, and game centers. Department stores tend to be more focused on providing a specific shopping experience, with less emphasis on entertainment.

In summary, malls are generally larger and offer a wider variety of products and entertainment options, while department stores are typically more focused on providing a specific shopping experience with a narrower range of products.

Shopping in both physical and digital markets is popular in the USA. The preference for one over the other depends on the individual's needs and circumstances. In-person shopping allows customers to see and touch products before buying, which can be particularly important for items such as clothing, furniture, or electronics. In addition, physical shopping can be seen as a social experience, as it often involves spending time with friends or family, or simply enjoying the ambiance of a shopping center.

On the other hand, digital shopping offers convenience and flexibility, as customers can shop from anywhere at any time. Online shopping also provides access to a wider range of products and often allows for easier comparison of prices and features. This can be particularly useful for those with busy schedules or who live in remote areas.

Overall, both physical and digital shopping are popular in the USA and are likely to continue to coexist in the future, as they offer different benefits and experiences.

According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, the estimated e-commerce retail sales for the fourth quarter of 2019 were $158 billion, making up 11.4% of total retail sales in the United States for that period. The total e-commerce sales for the full year of 2019 were estimated to be $601.7 billion, an increase of 14.9% from 2018.

mall walking



