2004-06-15 20:22:34靜燄



Leap off my disease and treat my fetish,
Cleave the hands of disdain and faith reclaimed
Dare to dream, conjugate the soul in your mind, unchained
Sleep deep, and bear the sweetest pain
Into the Abyss which you maimed;
Hold Each other through the storm
Gone in a wisp, please do not mourn
Life I do not adore
Death I do not abhor
It’s the beautiful game of wretched malice, insane
It's the burnt ash of charred, lovable shame
Ignite the ice with ebullient, silent flames,
That keeps the passion so Pure, so unstained.


跨越病痛泯滅之 愛; 救贖它
切下沾染絕望之 腕; 治療它
結合勇於夢想之 魂; 喚醒它
背負美麗頹廢之 眠; 釋放它
穿梭破碎陰暗之 嶽; 擊潰它
緊擁狂嵐疾風之 心; 珍惜它
品嚐渺如滄粟之 生; 憐愛它
侵吞廣如荒野之 死; 嘆息它
舔舐嬌媚歹念之 甜; 享受它
釋放心潔如雪之 情; 散播它
鄙視瞬息萬變之 檻; 卸下它
拋棄成灰蠟炬之 蕊; 埋葬它
親吻燃冰靜燄之 淚; 引爆它

大體的創作觀. 人生觀